Camisoles, We Love You So

Camisoles, we love you so

Oh camisoles how we love you so!

Happy Wednesday lovelies. We hope you’ve had a productive and enjoyable week so far. Ours has been a little hectic.. we are getting the inside of our house painted and preparing for Lydia’s grad party that’s on Saturday. We went to go take blog pics yesterday, and when we pulled out the camera it was dead! Guess we gotta try that one again, haha.

Now, let’s talk about one of the many trends we are adoring right now.. camisoles! We are especially loving how the versatility of a cami is endless! We are slightly obsessed with them, and maybe just maybe keep picking up more.


Nordstrom Trouve' Camisole

I fell in love with this cami from Nordstrom and knew I had to grab it! I love how you can dress it up or down, wear with sweaters or jackets, and even pair with distressed denim or skirts. They range in every price and can be found at Target all the way to the higher end stores.

I’m also loving this cami, very similar to the one I wore in this Instagram post.

Nordstrom Trouve' Camisole

With my camisole I paired Michael Kors shorts and Charles David heels. Lastly, one more cami I am loving is this magenta cami. It’s such a great color for the summer and am obsessing over the cut of it.

xx, katie & lydia




