Tips For Achieving Your New Year Goals

The new year usually means a new you and new goals. But it’s more than just that. Making goals should be a lifestyle, something that we can carry with us throughout each year. Something that we can keep ourselves accountable for. They don’t have to be complicated and they don’t have to be crazy.

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Tips For Achieving Your New Year Goals

Let’s talk tips for achieving your new year goals + how to keep yourself accountable. It’s time to start making goals that aren’t going to want to make us quit the next month. Because let’s face it, we’ve all been there a time or two.

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Get in the right mindset

This is the most important step in achieving your new year goals… get in the right mindset. Not being in the right mindset can easily lead to feeling discouraged. Tell yourself out loud that you CAN do anything you set your mind too. That you can reach those goals you’ve been wanting to reach. And that you are worthy enough of following through.

Remember that each day is a new day with new beginnings so if you slip up a little, give yourself grace, and get back on board the next day.

Make time and prepare

Stop making those excuses, we all do it. Find a day in your week that you don’t have much going on, schedule a time to sit down, and then prepare. Whether it’s writing out your goals, meal prepping, scheduling dates on your calendar, making a grocery list, or even preparing the night before for a workout to be done in the morning.

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Write out your goals on paper – yearly, monthly, weekly

Both of us always have these great ideas in our mind, but if we don’t write them down we easily forget… write out your goals on paper. Go a step further and make yearly, monthly, and weekly goals. Start by asking yourself what goals are most important to YOU. Try your best choosing specific goals because you are more likely to give up if they are vague.

Yearly goals:

What is it that you want to accomplish this year? Yearly goals are bigger goals: maybe you want to change jobs, move, go on a big trip. Envision what you want this year to look like.

Monthly goals:

A year can seem daunting so break it down into smaller steps. Decide what you are going to accomplish each month. Ask yourself what is it that you want to focus? And then write it down. Brainstorm steps that you can take to accomplish that goal.

Weekly goals:

These goals are going to be very simple. Maybe you want to get in a certain amount of workouts in that week or organize a certain room in your house. Whatever it may be, schedule those goals on your calendar, an app, or a piece of paper.

Daily goal:

Sometimes the big picture can feel overwhelming. So break it down even more and tackle everything one day at a time. That is truly all we have, the present right here and right now. Yesterday is history and tomorrow is a mystery. Don’t let yesterday affect what you will do today and don’t let the worries of tomorrow keep you from accomplishing what you want at the moment.

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Find someone who can keep you accountable

Finding someone who can you keep you accountable will most likely keep you going, especially on those more difficult days. Ask a friend, family member, your spouse, someone who can take time to check in with you each week, give you pep talks, encourage you, and lift you up.

Journal your progress

Journaling can be so therapeutic. Writing down your highs and your lows allow you to look back and remember where you were and how far you have come.

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Treat yourself

It’s so easy to get caught up in all the chaos that we forget to take time for ourselves. We can’t express to you how important self-care is. Taking care of yourself is going to allow you to give the best version of yourself to everyone around you instead of what is just left of you.

Treat yourself because you deserve it. You don’t just have to reward yourself after accomplishing a goal or getting the job done. It’s a form of self-care that’s good for the soul.

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Create a mood board / Pinterest Board

If you’re not huge on writing out your goals, create a mood board / Pinterest board. Or do both! Find quotes, inspo photos, and then pin them on a bulletin board you can hang up. That way you will always have those photos to remind you and keep you accountable. Plus, you can add and/or take away as the days go on.

Set a reminder each day

Maybe your goal is to drink more water. I know that is always a goal of ours. Set a reminder on your phone; when it goes off check in with that goal.

Reminders don’t always have to be a reminder of something to do.  Maybe send yourself an inspirational quote to read – a little reminder of how amazing you are.

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Find ways to be able to stick to your goals so you can follow through with them

As humans, we are always evolving. Just because everyone on the gram is proclaiming that this is what they are doing doesn’t mean you have to do the same. A goal is individual to each person and speaks to them personally. So choose things that are attainable for YOU.

Make new habits

Are you already feeling like you are behind the eight ball on the resolution/goal train? Remember we are only in the second week of the new year. Although everyone makes a big deal on January 1st, you can start whenever you want.

Remember it takes 21 days to form a new habit. So keep on keeping on; you will get there with time, effort, and determination. There is a great app called Productive – Habit Tracker.

What are you doing to achieve your new year goals? Do you have any tips for us? And remember you can do anything you set your mind to. If you enjoyed today’s blog post, you may enjoy New Year Fitness Plan and Our New Year Goals Plus Tips For Achieving Yours.


This blog post was a sponsored post by Kindred and we received compensation in exchange to share this with you. All thoughts and opinions are our own. 
