Travel Outfits + Travel Necessities Checklist

Hey, it’s Monday! We’re going to Arizona in a few days and wanted to share what we’ll be wearing on the plane + a little travel necessities checklist. You’ve gotta be fashionable for the airport, RIGHT?! I truly feel like this is the most fab we have looked going to the airport in like ever, but hey we’re kinda loving it!

All things comfy as you know & that’s how we’ll be rolling. A basic tee and some leggings are always a great idea for traveling. You can throw on a denim jacket (like we both did) and you are set.

travel outfit by fashion blogger

travel outfit inspiration | oh darling blog

Travel Necessities Checklist

We try our best to eat healthy food when we’re on a trip, including when we are at the airport. We always pack healthy travel snacks, especially for the plane. It’s a trip though, so remember to always enjoy/treat yourself!! The one place we WILL be treating ourselves to is In N Out… we always try to eat there whenever we are near one.

& always remember to stay hydrated as well. Once we have gone through security, we like to buy the biggest water bottle they sell and drink the whole thing. We also bring a face mist to give our face a little extra love, since flying tends to dehydrate the skin.

If you don’t feel like bringing your own snacks, once you are in the airport terminal go shopping and pick up something that will help tide you over for the long flight ahead.

Healthy Snacks To Pack For Traveling:

  • KIND Bars: perfect for us girls who have a major sweet tooth, our favorite ones are with the dark chocolate, yum!
  • Trail Mix
  • Dried Fruit
  • Single Serving Peanut Butter Squeeze Packs

Our Travel Looks

what to wear when traveling

Travel necessities checklist plus this travel outfit with leggings, tee, and denim jacket

what to wear on a plane

lululemon leggings worn by oh darling blog

What We Always Pack In Our Carry On:


To stay nice and warm


For music/podcasts/movies


To chew while taking off

Ipad & Computer

To watch movies or Netflix


This time we’re bringing some Twizzlers with us. What is your favorite treat to pick up when traveling?


Sometimes we will pick up a magazine while grabbing a bottle of water


Anddddd, that’s a wrap! We’ll be off to Arizona in a few days so we won’t be posting on the blog this Wednesday or Friday. You better believe we’re going to be shopping til we drop… be sure to follow us on Instagram HERE to see exactly what we’ll be up to. Thanks for the continued love!

See all of our travel posts HERE.








  1. April 30, 2018 / 8:10 am

    Oooh have fun in Arizona! I’ve never been …. and I’ve never been to In-and-Out, so you gotta enjoy that for me too! I love your travel necessities. They’re definitely all things I try to bring along when I’m on a trip as well! And those travel outfits are too cute! Loving the leggings!

      April 30, 2018 / 9:50 am

      Thanks girly! Ooh, you will have to go to Arizona sometime and In N Out! We’ll be sure to enjoy it for you 🙂 Thanks so much girl, always gotta be prepared. So so sweet, xo!

  2. April 30, 2018 / 9:17 am

    Have the best time! I love that oversized denim jacket- perfect for travel!

      April 30, 2018 / 9:49 am

      Thanks so much Emily, we will for sure! An oversized denim jacket is one of our favorites. xo!

      April 30, 2018 / 9:45 am

      Always! The best kind of travel outfit. Thanks so much girl! xo

  3. April 30, 2018 / 9:43 am

    Comfy leggings are always a must! I always have snacks and headphones with me too.

      April 30, 2018 / 9:45 am

      They really are a must, always love being comfy! xo

  4. April 30, 2018 / 10:19 am

    Have the best time! Great travel tips!

      May 1, 2018 / 8:39 am

      Thank you so much Isabella! xo

  5. April 30, 2018 / 3:58 pm

    I always wear joggers when I want to travel comfortably. And I pack gum for take off as well as a book for reading.

      May 1, 2018 / 8:39 am

      Joggers are the best, especially when traveling! Comfy & cute. Gum and a book are always a great idea as well, we bring both too. xo!

  6. Liz
    May 1, 2018 / 9:45 am

    You both look amazing! Such chic and comfy looking outfits!

      May 2, 2018 / 8:24 am

      So sweet, thank you! Love being chic and comfy at the same time. xo!

  7. May 2, 2018 / 1:19 pm

    Those leggings are AMAZING!! I love them both! I literally live in leggings so I need to check these out!

  8. May 2, 2018 / 7:34 pm

    My husband loves to dress up when he travels and I’m a leggings and tee girl too! I need to be comfortable traveling!

  9. districtofchic1
    May 3, 2018 / 11:19 am

    I love traveling in leggings! Jeans are great, but leggings are so much more comfy for sitting in tight quarters!

    District of Chic

  10. roxyturtle
    May 4, 2018 / 8:50 am

    So fun! I love traveling and I love comfy traveling outfits. I’m really into oversized denim jackets right now too!

  11. May 4, 2018 / 5:49 pm

    When traveling I need a good pair of leggings, comfy shoes, a hoodie, my electronics and snacks.

  12. May 6, 2018 / 11:34 pm

    I always bring a denim jacket when traveling! Such a versatile piece