Turning 50: 50 Fun Facts

oh darling blog | turning 50

Turning 50

On June 14th – Flag Day, I officially turn 50. I am half a decade old! Truly I know that it’s just a number but that number is kinda a scary one. I mean, I am officially eligible for AARP (gasp). Sometimes I feel like I just got out of college when in reality I have a kid that has graduated from college.

Life has been and will continue to be a roller coaster. Each high and low has taught me a lot. And I am grateful for each lesson learned. I have realized that I have nothing to be ashamed of in my journey because it is my story. A beautiful and messy story that has made me who I am today! Also, I have learned to give myself grace, be kind and loving to myself. And the most important lesson learned is that the only thing I have control over is ME. In addition, all the rest is out of my control. Consequently, I take each day as it comes, letting go and letting God!

50 Fun Facts

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white agolde parker shorts and graphic tee

50 fun facts - Oh Darling Blog

1. I have a little bit of road rage:

I wish I had a ram bar on my car! I don’t want to harm anyone.  I just want to tap them gently out of my way.

2. I quote Friends all the time:

I can watch that show over and over. Except for the one when Ross cheats on Rachel. I just can’t stand that one!

3. I am through and through a true Monica.
4. I can not stand the taste of hard liquor:

The only exception is Bloody Mary’s, but only for brunch.

5. I can drink beer like it’s water:

But I sip wine.

6. I can parallel park on a dime:

But I did fail my parallel parking part of my driving test. Probably I failed it because I didn’t practice.

7. People are surprised that I’m actually shy and very introverted:

I’m just good at pretending in public.

8. I don’t like working out, but I teach an exercise class:

Hey, I like the results of working out, I just don’t like the process.

9. I love structure and routine.

10. I love to go to bed early. Like 9:00 pm is ideal!

50 fun facts - Oh Darling Blog

11. I love to read romance novels:

In fact, I read every day. It is just my way of relaxing where no thought is involved.

12. I went to an all-girls college.

13. I love pulling weeds, but I hate yard work:

It is so satisfying to pull up a weed root and all!

14. I always wanted a chimpanzee:

I wanted to dress it up and change its diapers. I had kids instead 😉

15. To this day, I would love to be a flight attendant.

16. My right leg is 3 inches longer than my left. Which causes my scoliosis.

17. I sing a lot while I am in the house:

I just make up a song, sing loud, offkey, and sometimes operatic. It is really lovely. And, I’m positive everyone loves it!

18. I have lived in St. Louis my whole life:

Pretty much living in the same square mile radius.

19. I have amazing spacial relations:

Which allows me to find the right container for leftovers. It is a real resume builder – but hey, it’s a skill, haha!

20. I have a cleaning/laundry schedule:

I am getting better at it. But I used to have a REAL issue if I couldn’t keep my schedule. You might say, I have a little bit of a control issue.

50 fun facts - Oh Darling Blog - Katie

21. I sleep with a fan:

I even bring a fan whenever I travel.

22. My first bachelor’s degree is in Legal Studies:

when I did an internship as a paralegal, I realized I didn’t like it all, but I only had 1 year left of school, so I finished my degree out.

23. I eventually went back to school to get my degree in Early Childhood Education.

24. I was a stay at home mom for 17 years.

25. I am not a big movie watcher or even a big tv watcher:

I only watch a few things on tv every week.

26. When I’m home alone I love the silence:

I don’t want the tv or the radio on.

27. My claim to fame is I hung out with Snoop Dogg’s posse in NYC:

we were staying at the same hotel as Snoop. We happen to be downstairs in the lobby, while his bodyguards and peeps were waiting for Snoop Dogg to come downstairs, so we sat and chatted and had a few drinks with them.

28. I use to love to be in plays/theater productions when I was younger:

doesn’t make much sense since I am introverted, but like I said, I am good at pretending.

29. I love to get ice cream at an ice cream store, but I don’t like store-bought ice cream – go figure.

30. I would choose a hamburger over a steak any day:

In fact, I would never choose a steak.

Fun facts - Oh Darling Blog

31. I hate bananas because of the texture.

32. I hate green beans because I think they taste like dirt.

33. I have to sleep with a blanket or a pillow over my head.

34. I get incredibly car sick:

I can not look at anything and can only look straight ahead. Forget about curvy roads – I can’t handle that at all!

35. I love traveling but I am not much of a sight-seer:

I just like to shop, eat, and relax during my trips.

36. My favorite season is fall:

I just love when the weather turns crisp, it gets dark earlier, and I can begin to wear light layers.

37. When I stayed at home, I always “dressed up” when I left the house:

I did my make-up and a lot of times wearing heels. Now, I rarely do that!

38. I would rather swim in a lake than a pool:

I grew up spending my summers on a lake and I just love swimming in a lake!

39. My favorite time of the day is in the morning when everyone else is asleep

40. I like having a quiet morning:

where I can drink my coffee and read my daily devotionals without any interruptions.

Katie - 50 fun facts - Oh Darling Blog

41. I am not a morning person:

yes, I do wake up early, but I DO NOT like talking to anyone!!!!!!

42. I do not function very well unless I have had 8 hours of sleep

43. I say silly words when I get frustrated:

such as poop in the pants ladamacker or monkey butt – hey, at least I’m not cursing 😉

44. I try to start each day with a grateful heart:

every morning I like to read my daily devotionals.

45. Each night I list 5 things from my day that I am grateful for:

even choosing to find the good in the bad things that may have occurred in my day.

47. I burp a lot
48. I don’t drink soda:

unless it’s at Chick Fil A or Lion’s Choice (a St. Louis fast food place).

49. I LOVE french fries:

I used to eat them as a meal.

50. Whenever I help move things I say:

Pivot…Piv-ot…..P-I-V-O-T and the person I am helping probably does want to say Shut up…SHUT-UP…..S-H-U-T U-P.

Phew, that was A LOT! If you made it to the end, you probably aged a little bit, haha! I have learned a lot in my 50 years. One thing I know is that I am not too old to chase my dreams. Especially this blogger dream we have. It may seem crazy that a 50-year-old wants to break into a field that is full of young beautiful bloggers, with young beautiful children, but I believe that Lydia & I have a lot to offer; we are a unique mother + daughter duo. As we have said before, we do not know where this path will take us, but we will enjoy the journey, knowing that it is leading us to great things!

xoxo katie and lydia






  1. June 15, 2018 / 9:29 am

    As if I couldn’t love you anymore, you go and share 50 amazing things about you!!! Love this! Hope you had a fantastic birthday and I pray I can look half as amazing as you do at 50. You and Lydia DO have so much to offer and I’m so glad you took that leap of faith! Happy weekend, ladies!!

    – Mary

  2. June 15, 2018 / 9:37 am

    So fun to read all about you Katie!! I felt the same way at 50–it seems kinda huge, like a watershed moment in your life. And I guess it was because out of that @lastseenwearing was born! We love following along with you and Lydia every step in your journey!

  3. Kathy
    June 15, 2018 / 1:35 pm

    I know that 50 year old very well. Let me just add how funny she is and how hardworking she is. She’s quite a mom too.

  4. June 18, 2018 / 11:17 am

    Love finding out these 50 fun facts about you! I too am an introvert & love the quiet. I too am a stay at home mom, but should probably start dressing up, ha! You are special & I know God is using you, for all of us. XO.

  5. Courtney/stylemecourt
    June 22, 2018 / 10:03 am

    I LOVE this ! It was so funny to read and great to learn some new things about you!
    I’m so happy I found your Instagram many months ago and I can’t wait to see where the future takes you guys!