How To Find Happiness In Little Things

Happy Monday! Last Tuesday we started the 21-day no complaint challenge. Our hopes by the end of the challenge are to have turned off those negative thoughts and to have each day filled with more happiness and positivity.

And with that, perfect timing to talk about how to find your happiness in little things. Honestly, it can be WAY easier said than done. Most of the time it’s easier to think those negative thoughts and to let the unexpected takeover. It’s more challenging to find happiness throughout each day when something might have not gone as planned or if your day just keeps going wrong. So, how can we choose to let positive thoughts and happiness shine even when feeling down or having a bad day? A lot of the times it’s those little things that can make your day better and that’s just what we want to talk about today.

How To Find Happiness In Little Things | Oh Darling Blog


Some days it’s easier to find your happiness than others. Some days the negative thoughts just want to take over and you can’t seem to grasp onto that concept of just being happy for the life you have. YES, we all go through hard times and we all deal with things differently, but whatever it may be… we can all still choose to find happiness even through the most difficult times of our life. Finding happiness is different for all of us! For some, all it takes is to listen to your favorite song and for others, it may just take a little bit more work.

Throw happiness around like confetti! Wake up with a BIG smile on your face, tell yourself you are beautiful, that you are amazing, do a little jump, and just choose to be happy. A secret to happiness is letting every situation be what it is (the good or the bad). You know why? Because we are human and we expect things to go a certain way. Don’t you ever wonder why some people are always happy? It’s a choice. It is a choice to be grateful for the little things. Finding the good even in the bad. For example, you just spilled your whole cup of coffee, but maybe it totally missed getting all over you.  Thank goodness you don’t have to change your clothes. Be a glass is a half full kinda person. It takes a lot less energy to smile through the bad.

Okay, we know what you may be thinking. Wow! You guys are being kind of serious and maybe diving a little deeper than I want. Yeah, you may be right… but we truly just want everyone to happy!!

Feeling happy is like:

  • loving yourself for who you are
  • jumping and skipping wherever you go
  • your heart is completely full
  • enjoying everyone’s company
  • not letting the disappointment bring you down
  • feeling so grateful for the life you are living
  • days are filled with being productive
  • bringing the fun wherever you go
  • you’re glowing
  • having a great attitude and mindset
  • conquer the world with whatever it might bring you
  • dreams can come true

Happy Socks red & navy stripe crew socks | oh darling blog

happy socks | styling happy socks

How To Find Happiness In Little Things

1. Dance, run, jump:

Turn on that fun music and just dance! Listen to your favorite song turned all the way up while in the car with the windows down. I love listening to a podcast or some music while I’m taking a shower (maybe have a little dance party while washing my hair).

2. Treat Yo’ self:

A few minutes of quiet time, having lunch with a friend, sending a thoughtful text, or having a favorite treat of yours. Often times, we can get so caught up in doing other things and forget to take time for ourselves. Just a little reminder to treat yo’ self every once in a while!

3. Buy Happy socks:

Anyone else love them some fun socks? All the patterns/designs/colors just make us HAPPY! We both picked out two pairs of Happy Socks that we loved, to style them for today’s blog post… so many options to choose from. Here’s our fave that makes us happy:

navy, red cotton crew socks | pink & yellow banana socks | mint pineapple socks | black & pale pink cherry socks

4. Be silly:

We like to sing to our dog, say weird words, dance in the car, laugh at each other, make weird sounds, and sometimes weird jokes. Being silly makes us smile!

happy socks | black and pink cherry socks | oh darling blog

finding the happy in simple things | oh darling blog

5.  Go work out, go on a walk, get some fresh air:

Blow off that steam and release some endorphins! We don’t particularly like working out, but we do like the results. It helps us clear our mind and feel more accomplished that day. Getting out and moving is so good for the soul!

6. Send a thoughtful message:

Sending a thoughtful message always lifts our mood. It shows others that you care, that you’re thinking about them, and that they matter. It can be as simple as “I hope you have a great day because you deserve it”.

We know when someone sends us a thoughtful message it brings us happiness and reminds us of how grateful we really are.

7. Go to your favorite store or purchase something small:

When we’re bored we like going to Target or Home Goods. Spending time with others and just looking at things is always fun! And who knows, maybe you’ll find something great! We love buying our dog Sherman new toys because he has the best reaction when he gets a new one.

8. Listen to a podcast:

I love listening to podcasts that give off those happy vibes and let me hear words of encouragement. Here are my favorite ones right now:

Couples Therapy with Candice and Casey | VIEWS with David Dobrik and Jason Nash | Awesome with Alison | Couple Of Issues

mint & pineapple happy socks | oh darling blog

finding your happy in the little things | happy socks

9. Start something you’re passionate about:

Whatever it may be, just go for it! What’s it going to hurt? If you think you may regret not following a dream of yours, not traveling somewhere, or even not hanging out with a friend of yours… then DO IT! It’s true, you only live once.

10. Go on Pinterest and find some inspiring quotes:

Sometimes finding that right quote can truly lift your spirit. Write that quote down and place it where you can read it every day. I bought a picture that says start each day with a grateful heart. I read it every morning as a reminder.

11. Choose a positive mantra to keep reminding yourself of that day:

I choose to say the serenity prayer – God grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, (I then list what the feeling and state what is out of my control) Courage to change the things I can (what can I change – usually my thoughts, my mood) And the wisdom to know the difference.

12. Put on your favorite perfume, a piece of jewelry, or item of clothing:

Sometimes that little bit of extra makes all the difference.

happy socks pink & banana | oh darling blog

happy socks | pink and banana

13. Pamper yourself whether that’s getting a massage, getting your nails done, hair did:

It’s okay to take care of yourself. It’s like they say on a plane – put on your oxygen mask first, then help others in need around you. Why do they say that? It’s because you can not help others if you have run out of oxygen. SO, if you are run down and not taking care of yourself, you won’t be able to be there for others.

14. Put on a face mask, take a bath, meditate:

Just taking some quiet moments in all the crazy is so good for the soul.

15. Don’t focus on yourself but help others:

Volunteer, reach out to someone you know who is having a hard time, bake something for someone. Being of service to others not only makes you feel good, it makes a big difference to others.

16. Read a daily reader (A motivational book):

There are so many great books out there that have short little bits of inspiration. Some of our favorites are:

Jesus Calling by Sarah Young |  The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie  | 100 Days to Brave by Annie F Downs   | Daily Guideposts 365

17. Don’t take yourself seriously:

Choosing to laugh at yourself, laugh at your mistakes, your blunders. Why not just laugh it off instead of beating yourself up.

It’s only natural to feel sad, angry, frustrated and hurt. Allow yourself to feel those feelings. Feel them, then let them go. Find happiness in little things!
















  1. Rach DiMare
    June 18, 2018 / 9:03 am

    What a great post and couldn’t agree more that the little things can make such an impact! These are great suggestions and tips!

  2. June 18, 2018 / 9:24 am

    These are all such easy and fun ways to make life a wholllle lot happier!! Thanks for sharing 🙂


  3. June 18, 2018 / 5:15 pm

    This is SO my kind of post! You guys know I’m all about those positive vibes and positive life 🙂 Thanks for sharing all your great ideas. I just followed your Pinterest as well. Can I just say #goals??? Seriously!

  4. June 18, 2018 / 9:21 pm

    Such an important reminder we so often forget… love the socks too! Are you guys big tennis fans?? I love the sport!

  5. June 18, 2018 / 11:34 pm

    Wow, this post made my day! It is amazing how much a little movement can change your mood!!!

  6. June 20, 2018 / 11:29 am

    I totally needed this post today, thanks for sharing!

  7. sarah lindner
    June 21, 2018 / 8:32 am

    such great suggestions and tips on happiness! Its def key. You two look the cutest!

    Sarah Lindner

  8. June 21, 2018 / 8:55 pm

    These are all great tips and I love your socks!! So cute 🙂