Summer Wrap-Up

As the unofficial end of summer is quickly approaching, we thought we would do a blog post highlighting our favorite posts and favorite things we did this summer. Now after this wrap-up, we’re really expecting fall to be here… peace out summer!

Oh Darling Bog | Katie & Lydia

Summer Wrap-Up Highlights

This summer really flew by and as I’m typing this I honestly don’t remember what we did… partly kidding. But, I do know that it was the summer of traveling, really focusing on where we want to take our blog, meeting new friends, and being blessed with some great opportunities.


St Louis Guide to The Best Restaurants | oh Darling blog

It was an H-O-T, HOT summer in St. Louis. I mean St. Louis is not known for its great weather, but this summer seemed to be brutally hot and humid. That of course, kept us in the house because as you can tell by our pictures, we are not sun worshipers — we proudly glow in the dark all year round.

That being said, we decided to take each Friday to explore where we live. We gotta say, St. Louis has some fabulous places to eat and some really cool parts. If you are from STL or are coming for a visit, check out our post on the Best Restaurants in St Louis. AND, check back often because the explorations will continue and the guide will continually be updated.


Nordstrom Anniversary Sale | oh darling blog


In July we went to our annual Chicago trip and this time we booked it around the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. Chicago is truly one of our favorite cities and we are already planning next summers trip. If you are planning a trip check out Chicago Eats and Shopping.

What to pack for San Diego - Summer | oh darling blog

San Diego

California is one of our favorite places to travel and we have been traveling to different parts of Southern California for the past 5 years! This year we explored San Diego and by far, our favorite part of the trip was meeting up with a blogger friend. It truly is amazing how this crazy world of blogging and social media bring people together who would ordinarily not meet. We are beyond blessed to call Bree a friend!! Heading to San Diego? Check out Packing List San Diego.


best skin care tools | oh darling blog

Eating healthy has always been important to us, but as everyone knows taking care of yourself does not just consist of that. We have been using Young Living essential oils for a while now. The love of essential oils has led us into exploring cleaner skincare and makeup.

On our trip to Chicago, we were shopping at Anthropologie and discovered their Wellness Shop. Oh my, was that a happy place for us! We did a whole blog post on the Anthropologie Wellness Shop.

In San Diego, we stumbled upon a store called Shop Good. That store was our skincare heaven! While we were there we picked up a few things – one of our new favorite items was a Gua Sha. Wondering what a Gua Sha is – check out Skincare Tools Everyone Needs.


bloggers | oh darling blog

We haven’t put out as many blog posts this summer. Like we mentioned, this summer we did a lot of traveling and when we travel we choose to just enjoy and be in the moment.

We also have been struggling with the blog! It has been hard to come up with ideas. Specifically with fashion. When we first started blogging we felt like we always had to buy clothes (read more about that here). As we continue this journey we have stepped back from purchasing as much for two main reasons: we want to buy smart and we have not found many items that we want to buy. Our posts are to inspire you in your fashion choices. They aren’t meant for you to buy what we are wearing. We never ever want you to feel as if you have to have what we have!!

Another reason we have not posted a lot is we’ve been feeling the pull to do more posts exploring our love for wellness and even sharing some recipes. That doesn’t mean that we are abandoning fashion because hey, we love clothes. I think as bloggers or even if you are not a blogger, it is okay to change and it is okay to explore different avenues.

design StL | Inside the homes of four St Louis-based fashion bloggers

St. Louis Magazine

This summer we were approached by a local magazine asking us if they could write an article about if our home represented our fashion. We would love for you to check it out – Inside the homes of four St Louis-based Fashion Bloggers. (If you’re local, you can pick up the hard copy of Design STL to see our beautiful faces… yep, shameless plug)! The article summed up our blog best by stating, “We want it to be like you are going to your best friends site. It is like peeking into the relationship between a mother and daughter.”

A funny little note about the St. Louis Magazine picture – the room that the above picture was taken IS NOT that blue. In fact, it is more of a blue-grey. It just shows you the power of editing and how you change things up to look good for what you are doing!


We hope you all have had a good summer. Let us know what one of the highlights from your summer was!

1 Comment

  1. Mary
    August 31, 2018 / 10:57 am

    Omg you 2!!! Did you mention this article on insta?! That is SO COOL!!! They couldn’t have picked a better blog to highlight ❤️❤️❤️ Ps- I’m all for recipes and healthy living!! Bring it on 🙌🏼🙌🏼

    – Mary