Blogging Tips: Consistency is Key

Back again to bring you this month’s blogging tip. If you don’t know, we have a new monthly series on the blog called, Blogging Tips. You can read more about what to expect, here. The best part about this series is it’s not just for bloggers/influencers, it’s for EVERYONE!

Blogging Tips: Consistency is Key | blogging for beginners

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Blogging Tips: Consistency is Key

It’s true, consistency is key when it comes to blogging and life in general. It’s important that you stay consistent because it’s going to set you up for success, keep you accountable, and help you feel not as overwhelmed/stressed as you go through daily tasks. So, without further ado, here are our tips on how to stay consistent…

Post on all social media platforms:

It’s important that you post on all social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, etc). Everyone has a particular platform that they prefer and spend most of their time on. So, by posting to ALL platforms, you are going to be able to target each audience. Which in return can help you grow! Here are two examples for you:

  • Many of our family members are on Facebook instead of Instagram. One of the main priorities in our business is focusing on Instagram, so if we weren’t sharing all of our posts to Facebook as well, then our family members/close friends wouldn’t be seeing those posts.
  • We pin all of our blog post photos on Pinterest and it has really helped us gain new readers as well as grow our blog. If we weren’t to pin any of our blog posts/photos onto Pinterest, then our blog wouldn’t be getting as much traction.

Have a consistent schedule:

Having a consistent schedule is going to set you up for success as well as keep your followers in the know. It can take some time to figure out your schedule, but once you do it will feel amazing.

Start by asking yourself what is going to work best for you? For example, we have found that posting on Instagram in the morning works best for us – we don’t feel rushed and that’s when most of our followers are on. As you begin to grow and make connections, your followers are going to catch on to your schedule and know when to expect content from you.

Post at the same time:

Posting at the same time (specifically Instagram) alines with having a consistent schedule. Be flexible with testing out different times until you find the best fit for you and your followers. And yes, you want to keep your followers in mind as well because you want them to see your posts! You can do this by staying up to date with your analytics – you could even poll them on IG stories.

We are very schedule oriented, so we do this with our blog posts as well. We use CoSchedule to publish our blog posts every Tuesday and Friday morning at the same time.

Schedule content in advance:

We feel way less stressed when we have all of our content planned out in advance. It allows us to take our time, put out quality content, and have room for any hiccups.

  • We use the app UNUM to plan out our Instagram feed
  • We use CoSchedule to schedule our blog posts to be published along with being shared/posted on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr
  • We use Tailwind to schedule our blog posts photos to be posted on Pinterest

Be active:

To build a following and relationships, you have got to be active. What we mean by that is engaging with others. You can do this by sharing other people’s posts, shouting someone out, having a conversation through direct message, etc.

Personally, we make sure we respond to all DMs and comments on our Instagram photos/blog posts, engage with others on their feed, stay active on stories, etc. Yes, it can easily stack up to many tasks that need to be completed, but it’s very important that we take the time to be active. Like we said, it builds relationships and it can truly make one’s day when taking the time to give a meaningful comment back to them or have a simple conversation.

Respond to DMs, comments, questions:

It’s so important that we all do this. Think about it, people are taking the time out of their day to comment to you and support what you’re doing. Not only is it common courtesy, but don’t you think they deserve to receive a comment back?

Maybe you’re working/busy all day or maybe you’re getting a lot of comments on your photos and you just can’t keep up. We totally get it, but this is where scheduling comes into play. Take time during your lunch break, set five minutes on a timer, whatever is going to work. The best part is, you don’t have to write a long paragraph to each person that left you a comment or sent you a DM… it’s as simple as giving a heart emoji. And if the comment requires a long response, make note of it and come back when you have the time. PLUS, it can lead to building such great relationships!!

Set goals:

When it comes to setting goals, you are more likely to be successful if your goals are specific. Plan how you will be able to achieve them in a realistic way.

Goal setting can be broken down from the end goal/big picture to monthly, weekly, and daily goals.

Pick one or two tasks to do each day:

Sometimes the big picture can be overwhelming, so break down that big goal or dream into smaller tasks. For instance, today I planned to finish this blog post, answer emails that came in over the weekend and watch a specific video. Three tasks that are totally doable. All of these tasks are part of achieving my “big goal”.

Helpful life lesson:

When it comes to goals and to-do lists, my (Katie’s) best advice is to give yourself grace. What I mean by that is not every day will go as planned. Some days you may not get every box checked and that is totally okay. You are doing the best you can with what you’ve got in this present moment.


How do you stay consistent?

You might also like, blogging tips: how to support influencers and 15 easy ways to stay healthy + self-care tips.  



  1. July 17, 2019 / 4:51 pm

    Such a great series with so many great tips in this post. I know when I first started my blog it seemed overwhelming to be on all platforms, engaging, but you break it down so well! Can’t wait to read your next one!

    XO, Sammi

  2. sundaydahlias
    July 18, 2019 / 3:24 pm

    Great tips! I think staying consistent is so important too! I try to stick by a schedule and assign certain tasks to certain hours of the day!