How To Enjoy The Holidays

The most important thing during the Holidays is to make sure you actually enjoy the Holidays. The easiest thing to do is get caught up in the ever-evolving tasks that need to be done and completely forget about taking a minute to do nothing.

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How To Enjoy The Holidays

It’s SO important to block out time to enjoy the Holidays. By blocking out the time, you are more guaranteed to follow through. Take a breather, focus on family and friends, rest your feet, treat yourself, or anything else that comes to mind.

It’s time for all of us to stop making excuses and saying that we don’t have enough time in the day. In the beginning, it may cause stress thinking about taking time to have fun and not get certain things completed. But just think about this for a second… you’re not going to look back and remember you trying to squeeze everything in during the Holidays. You are going to remember the memories that were made, the traditions that you created, and the warmth of family and friends.

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how to enjoy the holidays | knitted belle | kindred shops | st louis | winter style | what to wear for the holidays | oh darling blog

Take Time Off

The first step is to take some time off. If your schedule only allows for taking one day off, then do just that. It doesn’t have to be this long break, but you should allow yourself to have a day or two filled with no agenda.

Maybe you really want to stay at home and do nothing. Maybe you want to experience all the Holiday festivities with family and friends. Or maybe you just need to get Christmas shopping done. Whatever it may be, create that time.

Indulge A Little

From the delicious meals to all the treats, the Holidays come with a lot of indulging. Listen to your body, hear what it’s craving, and if that means some indulging, do just that. Our new favorite Holiday treats are Joanna Gaines’ gingerbread whoopie pies. Trust us, they are insanely good.

Be Active

Even in the winter and during the Holidays, we make sure to keep moving and be active. Book a workout class, go for a walk or run, hike, run around with your dog. It doesn’t have to be an extreme amount of activity, just something to get your body moving for the day.

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Spend Time With Family

Nothing says Holidays like spending time with family. We feel very blessed to have all of our family members in the same town so we can celebrate with them. If that isn’t the case then spend time with loved ones! A family does not have to just include the people who you were born into. Spend time with the people who lift you up and warm your heart no matter if they are family or friends.

Bake Cookies

If you know anything about us we love sweets – especially cookies. Baking cookies are always at the top of our holiday bucket list. We love listening to Christmas music while we get our baking game on. Wondering what else is on our bucket list? We did a whole post that you can read here.

Get Cozy

This time of year gives off all the cozy vibes. The warm glow of the Christmas lights makes these homebody girls so darn happy. One of our favorite ways to get cozy is by throwing on our favorite sweatshirts, a warm pair of sweatpants, lighting some candles, and cuddling up with a blanket. We are in our happy hygge place, that’s for sure!

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Go Look At Christmas Lights

Nothing beats getting in the car and driving around a neighborhood or any place that goes all out. Christmas lights always put us in a great mood! One of our traditions is to go to a park that they turn into a Winter Wonderland. Afterward, we hit one of our favorite places to get a burger, fries, and a killer chocolate milkshake.

Treat Yourself to a New Outfit

What is it about getting a new outfit? Go treat yourself to a new outfit that makes you feel oh so good + you can wear throughout the season.

We always find ourselves stopping into Kindred. We did a whole blog post earlier talking about how it has quickly turned into a new favorite store of ours. But, if you’re local to us it’s located at the West County mall. All of our fabulous looks are from Knitted Belle. Knitted Belle is an online boutique started out of love for clothing with fun prints, patterns, and a unique look. They are located in Kansas but can be found online and at The Kindred Shops located in Kansas City and St. Louis.

Host a party with your friends

Nothing is better than getting together with friends. It does your soul good to surround yourself with your favorite people. Carve a little time out of your busy schedule to refuel your tank! The best part is, it doesn’t have to be an extravagant Pinterest perfect holiday party. If you’re with the people who lift you up, you’re going to have fun no matter what.

Change Your Mindset

This time of year brings a jammed pack schedule. There are deadlines to meet, gifts to buy, and parties to attend. It can truly feel overwhelming, so try to not let the big picture stress you out. Take it one day at a time and enjoy that day with whatever it has in store.

Be okay if everything on your to to-do list doesn’t get crossed off. Being positive, enjoying the moments, and being grateful for what each day brings can really help!


How Do You Enjoy The Holidays?

Share some of your favorite things to do during the Holidays. Then we can add them to our list of things to check off during the Holiday season.


This blog post was a sponsored post by Kindred and we received compensation in exchange to share this with you. All thoughts and opinions are our own. 


  1. mom
    December 17, 2018 / 7:33 am

    Love those red pants.

      December 17, 2018 / 8:52 pm

      Thank you, mom/grandma! xo