How To Get Out Of A Style Rut

Most of us look into our closet and think, “I have absolutely nothing to wear.” With that thought, your favorite sweaters, pants, and tops suddenly become blah! They just don’t spark joy (yep, so had to reference a little Marie Kondo).

How To Get Out Of A Style Rut by oh darling blog

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How To Get Out Of A Style Rut

While we all would love to get rid of everything in our closet and start new, that just isn’t feasible. So, let’s figure out how we can tackle those clothes in your closet and find some inspiration. Here’s how to get out of a style rut…

Steps To Getting Out Of A Style Rut | mix stripes with polka dots

Steps To Getting Out Of A Style Rut

Clean out your closet:

You don’t have to go full fledge Marie Kondo, but take some time to go through your clothes. Too many unwanted and unworn clothes make you forget about the items you love.

  • Get rid of those jeans/any clothes that don’t fit anymore. Whether they are too big or too small, you don’t need to hang onto them.
  • Toss those stained or yellowed tees.
  • Trendy items that you have not worn for the past year need to go. Most likely they were not too expensive and the styles have changed.

Put clothing items that you love first and foremost at the front of the closet or on the top of the stack. You will be more likely to reach for them.

Create some favorite looks:

To be honest, most days I look into my closet and have no clue what to wear. On those days, I tend to reach for my go-to look: jeans, graphic tee, and sneakers. Depending on the weather I will pair it with a favorite jacket or blazer of mine. This look makes me feel good no matter what my mood may be.

  • Look through your closet and find those pieces that whenever you wear them, you always feel good.

Change things up:

Feeling blah about your closet may not always have to be about your clothes. It could be that it’s time to switch up something else.

  • Try a new hair color or a different hairstyle. Not ready to go full on hairstyle and color change? Then try parting your hair differently or add some hair clips. For some inspo, check out 2019 fashion trends and hairstyles for short hair.
  • Change up your makeup with different lip color, eye shadow, or eyeliner.

heartloom camisole | what to wear with white boots | oh darling blog

Find a style muse:

Instagram, blogs, and Pinterest are always an inspiration for us. So follow those people you love, bookmark their sites, and pin those style inspirations.

Invest in staple items:

Classic and quality items are always a good investment. You will be able to reach for those items for years to come. Some great items to have in your closet are:

  • Black, tan, or grey pants in a classic style
  • White blouse
  • Blazer
  • Leather jacket
  • White and black tee
  • Black Cami

Statement Coat:

A great coat that goes with anything and makes you feel good is a perfect item to add to your closet. For us, our denim jacket and leather coat are our go-to’s.

how to get out of a style rut |  outfit inspiration | oh darling blog

how to get out of a style rut | mixing patterns | white boots | oh darling blog

Try A New style:

Some of our favorite outfits have been when we’ve stepped outside of our comfort zone and tried something new. For the past several years, I (Katie) have been mixing prints and I love it.

So when you are looking for inspiration and think, “I love that on them, but I could never pull it off”, give it a try. You just might surprise yourself!


Accessorize, accessorize, accessorize. It’s as simple as that! We always put on our favorite delicate necklaces and rings to make the outfit complete.


With all of these tips, we hope that it helps you get out of that style rut. When you’re in a style rut, how do you go about it?


  1. Kaitlin
    February 19, 2019 / 8:57 am

    I love this! I always find when I get new statement pieces like fun earrings or shoes, my closet has new life again. I can wear my same basic outfits but throw in a new pop and its like new life is breathed into it. I am loving the layering in this post, you look gorgeous, Katie!!

    • Katie and Lydia
      February 23, 2019 / 8:45 am

      I totally agree with you, Kaitlin! Thank you for always reading our posts your love and support means the world to us!