How We Plan Our Content For The Week

Planning is essential for not only our blogs success but every blogger’s success. Having a plan for each day, each week, and each month is going to help lead you to that success. You have to get posts out regularly, get images to go along with the posts, have time for content creation, and room for any problems. It can feel intimidating and overwhelming to think through all of these tasks that should be completed, but we’re here to make it easy for you.

How We Plan Our Content For The Week

how we plan our content for the week & Pink Floyd graphic tee

We like to physically write out our content on a planner | fashion bloggers | oh darling blog

 How To Plan Weekly Content

Step 1: Make a set day to sit down each week or month

Making a set day to sit down each week and/or month to plan your schedule is going to set you up for success, keep you motivated, and organized. No time to make excuses and more time to plan!

Step 2: Brainstorm Content Ideas

You have your set day picked out, so during a portion of this time start brainstorming. We have an ongoing list that we always are adding too when we have content ideas. That way we can always refer back and help us with topics.

  • We wrote a blog post on our favorite websites that we always refer back to. The specific websites we talk about help to keep us up with the latest trends + get blog post ideas.
  • Hop on over to other bloggers websites that you follow to get some inspiration for creating your content.

how we plan our content for the week | blogging tips | planning weekly content | fashion bloggers | blogging success | pink floyd graphic tee | oh darling blog

fashion bloggers tips on content creation | oh darling blog

Step 3: Planning Content Based On Your Followers

It’s important to make sure you are planning, creating, and publishing content based on your followers.

  • You can make this a monthly thing where you go on Instagram and ask your followers what type of content they want to see.
  • You can do this through your Instagram stories, polls, or in the caption of your photo.
  • Along with that, always be checking Google Analytics to see what posts have performed best.

Knowing What Content You Like Creating

Creating content based on your followers is so important, but also make sure the content you’re creating is what you like as well. It’s important to know what content is easiest for you to write and what you’re passionate about because otherwise, it can quickly lead to feeling burnt out.

Keep your content consistent

When we first started blogging we only wrote about fashion, although we have added more life posts into our content, the large majority of our readers come to us for fashion.

When you are producing blog posts it’s alright to throw in a food or a skincare post, but find out what content performs best for your target audience and focus on posting that type of content more often.

how we plan our content for the week | blogging tips | fashion bloggers | weekly content for blogging | oh darling blog

Step 4: Planning Your Content For The Week

You have set a day to sit down, you have ideas from brainstorming, and you have some information based on what your followers want to see, so now you can start planning your content for the week!

We like to physically write out our content on a planner, but Google Calendar is a great app if you prefer digital planning. We plan our blog posts each week so we will fill in our calendar with a brief description of the blog posts we’ll be writing about. You can go a step further and plan a few weeks of blog posts or even months worth of blog posts.

  • Before we write down any blog posts on our calendar, we will put down any deadlines or commitments we have for that month so we can schedule our other posts around them wisely.

Have a schedule of set days you post new content

This is so darn important. You want to make sure you’re posting consistently and on a schedule. If you can only post once a week, then do just that. The reason why this is so important is that you want your followers to know when to be able to check back for new blog posts each week. Not only that, but this is going to help keep you accountable and lead to successful content!

We post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on our blog and our followers know that as well. We have it also written out on our about page so new readers can know our schedule.

how we plan our content for the week | blogging tips | planning weekly content | fashion bloggers | content planning | oh darling blog

 How To Plan Weekly Content | oh darling blog

Step 5: Taking Photos

Since you have your content calendar planned out for the week/month, this is when you should start taking photos that go along with your blog posts. Sometimes we don’t have any blog posts in mind when shooting content, so we’ll then go off of the outfits we’re wearing to get inspiration for our blog posts.

Find what works best for you. Do you like shooting photos with a family member, by yourself, or with a photographer? We’ve found that having a photographer is what is most successful for us. Also, life can get in the way, so plan for if you’re going to be able to take multiple photos that week or if you should just take a few hours and get a ton of content knocked out.

Using past photos to create new content

You have so much value with the photos you are taking. This is something we didn’t do in the beginning, but have started implementing more recently and it really helps for when feeling creatively stuck or when you may not have time to take new photos.

For example, we compiled all of our winter outfit photos to create a blog post sharing 38 casual winter outfit ideas. Another time we did this was when we shared 12 black jeans outfit ideas. You can do this with just about anything: sweaters, sneakers, graphic tees, whatever you have a lot of photos of.

how we plan our content for the week | fashion bloggers | blogging tips | planning weekly content | blogging | oh darling blog

how we plan our weekly content | fashion bloggers | blogging tips | planning weekly content | oh darling blog

Step 6: Tips to help you get things done

We’ve hit all of the basics of what goes into planning our content for the week, so let’s touch base on tips to help you get those specific things done.

Content Calendar

If you don’t already use a calendar to plan your content, start using one. It’s simple, easy to manage, and will always be something to refer back to.

We love having a “real” calendar to write down our ideas. We also use Google Sheets and Google Calendar, which both allow you to create and manage content. For more valuable information on this topic, check out InfluencerSEO‘s post about it.


Co-Schedule is a service that we pay for. It’s an all in one editorial marketing calendar for planning, promoting, and executing your entire content marketing strategy. They have so much to offer:

  • Schedule when you want your blog posts to go live.
  • Schedule any of your social media content.
  • Also, schedule any piece of content months in advance and re-circulate your posts on social media as well.

When we’re finished writing our blog post and all the photos are in place, we schedule our blog, Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter through Co-Schedule. You can schedule Instagram as well!

this will be my year notebook | oh darling blog

Step 7: Give Yourself Grace

Blogging is hard, so much thought and behind the scenes work goes into it. You are going to find this journey to bring a lot of highs and a lot of lows, so at the end of the day, always give yourself grace. It’s okay to take a break and take time for yourself when needed. If you can’t put out a blog post on your set day, don’t stress about it. And if you find yourself not being able to meet your goals of when wanting to post, just reevaluate and switch things up.

It’s official you’re now a content creator! Our goal for sharing how we plan our content for the week is for you to take away some valuable information. We are still learning what works best for us and it’s always going to be a work in progress. But, by sitting down each week and planning, this will help you with not feeling as overwhelmed.


  1. Stephanie
    February 8, 2019 / 8:59 am

    I absolutely love this post. I’ve been working really hard lately to truly plan out and execute my content. It can be challenging – but this has me even more inspired. Thanks for sharing!

    • Katie and Lydia
      February 9, 2019 / 9:34 am

      Stephanie, you are so darn sweet. We are beyond blessed to have you always loving and supporting us on this crazy journey. XO – katie & lydia

  2. February 8, 2019 / 3:39 pm

    I love this! I have the hardest time with content and making myself sit down to write schedule and coordinate. Thank you!

    • Katie and Lydia
      February 9, 2019 / 9:33 am

      Kelley, we are so glad that you found this post helpful. If you need any other tips or just need some love and support, don’t hesitate to reach out! XO – katie & lydia

  3. February 10, 2019 / 12:33 am

    Thank you for this awesome post! I recently switched to one blogpost every Monday 🙂 and I followed your advice and added that in my bio 🙂

    Also love the pics girls! Those peach tones! X

    • Katie and Lydia
      February 10, 2019 / 9:46 am

      Thanks for all your continued love! YAY, that makes us so happy!! Love ya so much girl, xo!