How to Stay Motivated to Work Out + the Best Leggings

Sometimes we all just need a little motivation in our life to work out. Let’s face it, it can be very easy to make those excuses and tell yourself you’ll start tomorrow. If you’re over there right now nodding your head because you find yourself doing that, then keep on reading!

How to Stay Motivated to Work Out

 work out outfits

By the end of today’s post, you’ll be taking away multiple tips on how to stay motivated and how to keep yourself accountable to work out.  Both KEYS to set you up for SUCCESS! It’s so important to take time for yourself: physically, mentally, and emotionally. By staying active and taking 15 minutes to an hour to move your body, it’s going to help with all three of those things + so much more.

How to Stay Motivated to Work Out + the Best Leggings:

How to Stay Motivated to Work Out + the Best Leggings

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1. Find the right workout for you

Finding the right workout for you is so important. You want to find a workout that gets you excited, even on the days when you really don’t want to go. It can take time to find out what exactly that is, but once you do, you’ll know!

Take a month to try out different workouts and classes. The great thing is you can find deals through ClassPass and Groupon. Ask yourself what type of workouts you enjoy the most? Do you like cardio, having a personal trainer, going to a group class, working out at a gym, running outside, yoga, etc?

2. Create achievable goals

Now that you’ve found the right workout(s) for you, it’s time to create achievable goals. What we mean by that is, how can you set yourself up for a successful outcome? Start by looking at your calendar and seeing where you can fit in your workouts – maybe your goal is to workout 5 days a week, but life feels crazy at the moment. Start by working out 3 times a week, see how you feel, and then reevaluate if you could add in 1-2 more days.

Also, figure out what times work best. Take into consideration your preference/when you will perform your best. Morning, afternoon, night? By knowing that information, it will be more likely that you will follow through with your goals.

3. Schedule Your Workouts

It’s so simple – schedule your workouts! We do this each week because otherwise, we would make excuses on why we don’t want to go. Trust us, we aren’t huge fans of working out, but when we go and do it, it leaves us feeling refreshed, in a better mindset, and more confident.

If you’re going to a workout class like barre, orange theory, etc. then most likely you can download an app that allows you to schedule your classes in advance. On top of that, set your clothes out the night or morning before. That way, you won’t have to worry about what you’re going to wear + it’s going to allow you a few extra minutes to do whatever else it may be.

5. Start a routine

Routines are so important to have. It all goes back to setting yourself up for success, but it’s so true! Routines help to keep yourself accountable, follow through with your plans, and not feel as overwhelmed.

6. Find someone to keep you accountable

It’s great to have someone who can you keep accountable. You can do this by finding a friend or family member who wants to participate with you. Or find a friend/family member that will fully support and cheer you on from the sidelines. It can be anyone who is going to continuously check in on you, making sure everything is going well.

7. Give yourself grace

Probably the most important tip, give yourself grace!! It’s okay if you can’t fit in all of your workouts you wanted to do that week. It’s okay if you didn’t have a great workout that day. Maybe your schedule has gotten busier and you can’t work out as much as you’d like too – that’s okay! Allow yourself to make adjustments as you go through life.

Something else we want to touch on is, don’t think your workouts have to last an hour and be intense for it to be effective or successful. Working out is as simple as taking a walk around the block, 5 minutes to stretch, or 10 minutes to do some yoga. You’ll quickly start to see improvements with your physical, mental, and emotional state.

How to Stay Motivated to Work Out + the Best Leggings

The last tip is about the clothes you wear while working out. It’s so easy to just throw on that oversized, worn-in t-shirt and a pair of leggings. It may sound silly, but you may just be surprised at how much more confident you feel when wearing clothes that make you feel GOOD. And maybe you do feel good in that oversized tee and leggings, then wear that!

Personally, for me (Lydia), I feel way more confident when I’m wearing these Lululemon leggings. I don’t know what it is about them, but they’re so flattering on. What I’m really trying to get at is, it’s the little things like a pair of leggings, a cute work out top, a fun headband, that can lead you to feel more motivated.

So, how do you stay motivated to work out? If you enjoyed today’s post, you may enjoy 15 Easy Ways to Stay Healthy + Self-care Tips, and 13 Podcasts You Should Be Listening To.
