How To Style A Graphic Tee + Real Talk

What is it lately that just has me feeling all sorts of stuck? I mentioned in our oh darling blog one year old blog post that I didn’t go the traditional route of going to college right after graduating high school. I have always been SO grateful that I’ve been able to get an education, but school just has never been my thang. And hey, college is still something I consider all the time, but I am someone who has the HARDEST time making decisions and I want to make sure I truly know what it is I even want to do.

One thing I DO know is that we probably won’t ever stop loving graphic tees. Today calls for sharing some of the graphic tee’s we have major heart eyes for right now + real talk on how I have been feeling lately.

cherry coke graphic tee | oh darling blog

Real Talk

Two things that keep me from not just straight up quitting this whole blogging thing is the LOVE we receive and the feedback we get from being able to share our real and raw thoughts. I know that we have been sharing more personal things rather than fashion on the blog lately, but right now that just feels right. If ya know what I mean!

I hope you all know just how GRATEFUL I am to be able to pursue a dream of mine all while not going to school and not even working. I’m not saying that to just throw it out there, I’m saying it because it’s real talk and one of the reasons why I don’t even know what I want to do.

styling graphic tees | oh darling blog

graphic tee and levis jeans | oh darling blog

Favorite Graphic Tee’s

Another reason why I am sharing this is because I know that if not all of you,  many of you reading this, have gone through or may even be going through a time in your life of feeling lost, when it comes to what you should be pursuing, or if what you’re doing is the right thing, and even wondering what you’re good at, etc.

SO, if you are/have gone through times like I just described, how do you handle it? I know I’m not alone with figuring out where I want my next step to take me. Please share your thoughts + advice, it’s all welcome here!!

cherry coke graphic tee | golden goose sneakers | distressed jeans

I don’t think I have ever really known what it is I felt really positive about wanting to pursue. Here are some of the things I have always loved.

You should make a list for yourself
(for fun or if you may be in the same boat):
  • Fashion
  • Design
  • Being creative
  • Kids
  • Helping others
  • Writing

I guess what I always come back to after sharing with others what it is I am passionate about, is how should I go about pursuing something, when I feel like I am just good at a little bit of everything? Not just one career calls my name because I feel like I would be better at doing a lot of little things.  Maybe I just haven’t found something I am extremely passionate about yet! Who knows?

I know that doing a little bit of everything is possible and I am all about following your dreams! But I also have a hard time with figuring out how do I even start? Not knowing how to do something isn’t stopping me from achieving my dreams, but it’s stopped me from starting because I just don’t know HOW.

lydia Shelton fashion blogger | oh darling blog

What I’ve learned

Okay, I could seriously go on and on about trying to figure out what my next step should be. Here are a few things I want to end it with:

  • Sharing many of my thoughts just now felt good! It hasn’t magically solved everything I am feeling, but I need to just push myself more. Figure out what I LOVE to do, whether that’s one thing or several and just GO FOR IT!
  • Although I don’t exactly feel myself having fear and self-doubt, it’s obviously something that is there. I’m going to start reaching out to others who have followed their dreams + others who are in a career I might be interested in and just get some ADVICE.
  • It’s okay to feel stuck and not know where life is going to take you next. It’s okay to feel clueless and lost. Although I wish everything could be magically placed in front of me, I believe that all of these feelings I am going through are making me a better & stronger person.
  • Having faith, believing in yourself, trusting that God has a plan even when you can’t figure out what that is, working hard, and being true to yourself are all things that I believe will lead me to where I should be.

graphic tees and jeans | oh darling blog

This blog post is in no way meant to come off as complaining or bringing you down.

I think it’s important to reach out to others and share your thoughts/feelings when you believe you should. I’m reaching out to all of you and sharing this because I know I’m certainly not alone! Although it’s not fun being in the unknown, it’s all worth it.

Blogging is something that makes us happy. We get to share our thoughts and all the things we love with all of our amazing friends. We are so blessed to be able to follow a dream of ours, even when times are difficult. Blogging for over a year now has made us who we are today. And don’t worry, we’re not stopping anytime soon. You’re still stuck with us 😉

The Positives of blogging:


  • I have found a love for writing, I get to share my thoughts and it’s so cool
  • You feel rewarded in so many ways!
  • We have made so many amazing friends who make us laugh and bring a smile to our faces
  • I’m able to write blog posts like this and share my feelings with so many others & hopefully lift others up while doing it
  • I get to pursue a dream of mine and just see how difficult it is

Lastly, this is what we are meant to be doing right now because every time we feel discouraged are the times when we get those words of encouragement from our friends, followers, and most importantly from our faith.









  1. Rach DiMare
    June 22, 2018 / 8:07 am

    Thanks so much for being so open about your future and your thoughts about it. It is okay to not have it all figured it out. Good to know that you are taking the initiative to reach out to those have pressured their passion. I’m sure you will figure it out. In the meantime, keep these blog posts coming! I enjoyed reading them!

  2. Em
    June 22, 2018 / 8:16 am

    This is such a good casual outfit!

  3. Kaitlin
    June 22, 2018 / 9:12 am

    UGHHHHH LYDIA!! Love you so much girl. I went to school, got two degrees and ended up in a career that isn’t really what I studied at all. Bits and pieces of it are but I learned SO much more by getting experience. I mean I love school, don’t get me wrong, but nobody ever became happy and successful by following someone else’s path. Make a list of what you love to do and what you’re good at (they may not be the same things) there is bound to be something with your skills calling your name! In the mean time, keep being real and hustling because that’s the biggest battle.

  4. Sarah
    June 22, 2018 / 9:16 am

    Love this !! And your honesty!!!

  5. Courtney/stylemecourt
    June 22, 2018 / 9:57 am

    Lydia !!! My heart is reaching out to you girl. Don’t rush into anything. I graduated with an education degree because my entire life that was the future I saw for myself and right around graduation when I realized I was dragging my feet and everyone around me was planning and getting stuff done is about the time I realized I wouldn’t be teaching that next year. What I thought would be a year has now turned into 3 and I’m still just looking for something that speaks to me! Life is hard and I just have to think to myself that if it was really meant to be it would have happened and that there’s a reason, a good one, that I didn’t continue to follow that path. Who knows why, but I’m hoping to find out soon.
    My point is don’t rush into any decisions. Don’t listen to the noise and the people around you who will question you and your decisions because what you’re doing doesn’t fit into the general progression that everyone thinks life should be. Listen to your heart and follow your dreams and as long as you have the time to figure things out – take it!

  6. Jena
    June 22, 2018 / 10:17 am

    Hey girl – Jena, from ModaMomma here. I have a bunch of advice to impart so this might get a little wordy. So I’m just going to send you an email. Okay?

  7. June 22, 2018 / 11:27 am

    I love how you styled this graphic tee. This post is so great… I feel discouraged blogging sometimes also, but I always have to remember that I do it for myself and not everyone is going to love my style.


  8. I love this outfit! And truly college and classes aren’t for everyone! I know someone who has their masters in teaching and isn’t teaching. And loves the new career path. It’s crazy the journey that life can put you on!

  9. legalleeblondeblog
    June 22, 2018 / 5:07 pm

    Great post girl! I think almost everyone has been where you are – just keep trusting yourself and be open to opportunities as they present themselves!
    Lee | LegalLee Blonde

  10. June 24, 2018 / 8:30 pm

    I’m a huge fan of graphic tees. I love Diet Coke so I need this tee in my life!

    Megan |

  11. Jamaria Johnson
    June 25, 2018 / 12:07 am

    I love your transparency! I can most certainly relate. Thanks so much for sharing. Xo

  12. June 25, 2018 / 6:22 am

    I’m not a Coke girl, but love cherries and that tee is super cute!

  13. June 25, 2018 / 9:09 am

    I love a good graphic tee, they are so fun to style!

  14. June 26, 2018 / 8:43 am

    I think we can all relate to feeling lost and it’s totally normal. I don’t want to sound cliche but you really do have to follow your heart and passion. I know passion doesn’t pay the bills (my dad used to say that to me all the time) but being stuck in a job you hate just pay the bills or to live up to an expectation you’ve set by yourself or for your parents isn’t worth it. You have to be happy in the end. Just keep chugging along, stay positive and have faith that the right path for you is out there even though it may seem confusing right now. BTW you look adorable, I love a good graphic tee!

    Taylor |

  15. July 3, 2018 / 1:10 pm

    All I know is PLEASE keep this blog going cause I love it!!!!!