New Year Fitness Plan

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Deep Green Workout Clothes | athleta | nike sneakers | new year fitness plan | oh darling blog

2018! Did you babes do anything fun for NYE? We watched the movie New Year’s Eve and then went to bed. Party animals for sure!! We’re finally getting back into the swing of things, what about you? We can’t wait to finally start focusing on all of our New Year goals. Which btw, we did a whole post on that here + tips for achieving your goals. It’s got to be one of our favorite blog posts we have done because it is more personal for us. A great way to start off 2018, right? Anywaysss, let’s get talking New Year fitness plan.

New Year Workout Plan

It takes 21 days for you to pick up a new habit! It can be really difficult at times but know that it’s not impossible. Take it one day at a time, even one hour at a time. Believe in yourself and stick to your plan! How many of you have decided to start eating healthier / working out more this year?

  • For the New Year, we plan on getting back to working out 3 times a week. If your goal is to start working out more / pick up working out again, remember to just ease into it! Don’t expect to instantly be able to workout 5 days a week right away. Listen to your body and allow it to rest!
  • If you like being organized and/or planning ahead, get a calendar to mark your workouts for each week
  • One of our new year goals is to schedule our workouts each week, so we don’t make an excuse to not go! Sit down each Sunday to plan out when you’re going to go, so you can stay on track and stay motivated

Our Favorite Workouts

For us to be successful and get our workouts in we take classes. We just aren’t the type who can motivate or put in 100% when working out at home or working out on our own at the gym! Everyone is different so one thing that works for us may not work for you.. and that’s okay!!

Don’t talk or bring yourself down for not being able to do something that someone else can. That goes for not only working out but life in general. Keep trying and keep motivating yourself until you find what works best for you! You should never feel ashamed of doing something different than the person next to you.

  • We’ve talked about Barre being our favorite and only workout we do. We love it, find results from it, and works out best in our schedule. It’s VERY challenging, but makes us feel good and stay fit. What’s your favorite type of workout?
    • Don’t be afraid to try out all different types of workouts until you find what works best for you and your body!
  • Try workout videos at home if you don’t know where to start first! BBG is a great one, Blogilates on Youtube is always upbeat and fun, & The Bar Method (where we workout) has Bar online
    • This is a great way to narrow down what you find most enjoyable and then you can go from there
  • ClassPass is a great app! It allows you to try all different types of workout classes that are offered in your area or you can access workout videos through the app
  • Most local workout studios have a free class so you can try it out! Don’t feel intimated, everyone has been in your place of being the newbie

New Year Diet

We are pretty healthy eaters and really enjoy making/eating healthy foods, it honestly makes us feel better. We have a MAJOR weakness for sweets though! You should never feel guilty for treating yourself.  If you have a big sweet tooth like us, try finding a healthier alternative for your dessert. We love making this chocolate covered peanut butter dates!

Just know that you should never punish yourself for indulging or getting off track. That’s why we have new days, weeks, and months. There is always time to make a change for the better, but also know that change takes time.

Let’s talk diet changes you can make to kick your fitness into gear this 2018:

  • Plan your menu for the week, go shopping for the items you need, and stick to it! It is easier to make healthy choices when you know what you will be eating! Most people tend to make unhealthy choices when they are hungry and do not know what they are going to eat
  • Track your food intake. A lot of times we are consuming more calories than we actually think.  There are a ton of trackers you can download on your phone from the app store
  • Treat yourself. It’s okay to have dessert or whatever it is you love. People are more successful at losing weight and keeping it off when they don’t deprive themselves
  • Make your eating a lifestyle change not just a diet for a certain amount of time. To be successful at losing weight and keeping it off you need to make your healthy eating habits a part of your everyday life, not just for a certain amount of time!

New Year Fitness Tips

  • Getting enough sleep – on average most people need 8 hours of sleep a night. Not only is it important to have a workout routine, but it’s also equally as important to go to bed around the same time every night allowing you to feel well rested and ready to tackle the new day!
  • Alcohol routines – alcohol can affect your fitness. It can slow down muscle growth, dehydrate you, and if you are watching calories, be mindful of how many calories you are consuming
  • How much water to drink – you should consume 3 liters of water a day! Find a water bottle that’s 1 liter to easily keep track, it honestly helps! I have this water bottle and have instantly been able to drink more water than I usually would
  • Schedule your workouts – scheduling your workouts by either booking your class online or working out at the same time every day can lead to more success by holding you accountable!

New Year Workout Clothes

We’re always on the hunt to add some new workout clothes to our closet! It’s a major plus if we can find nice quality pieces that aren’t going to break the bank. Here are a few of our favorite places:

new year fitness plan | workout wear | oh darling blog

New Year Fitness Plan: Evergreen Leggings & Matching Sweater | athleta | oh darling blog

Our Workout Wear Favorites









  1. January 10, 2018 / 9:56 am

    Getting enough sleep is such a big deal!! Great read, thanks for sharing your fitness ideas 🙂

      January 10, 2018 / 10:43 am

      we totally agree! we both need to get enough sleep or we just can’t seem to function, haha! thanks for visiting the blog girly.
      xx, Katie & Lydia