Our New Year Goals Plus Tips For Achieving Yours

New Years Goals | Tips For Achivieng Yours | New Years Resolutions | How to achieve your goals | new year new you | oh darling blog

Hello beautiful babes. We hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! So, we’ve been a little MIA on the blog the past two weeks. We took a break to recharge and truly just enjoy the holidays with our family and friends!

Each year millions of people make resolutions to change an unwanted behavior, workout more, eat better, so on and so forth. Over half of all NY resolutions will be forgotten within the first couple of weeks! Today we are going to share with you our hopes, dreams, and goals for us personally and Oh Darling Blog.


Setting Your New Year Goals

  • Sit down and think about your goals in a present and intentional way – choose things that are meaningful to you. Not what your friends & family are doing or thinks you should work on! But what you TRULY want to work on.
  • What to think about – give yourself time to achieve that goal. Celebrate your progress along the way to your big goal!
  • Things to consider – choose specific goals. Most resolutions will fail if they are to vague!
  • Consider how you imagine your future – imagine how YOU want this year to look like. What do you want to accomplish in your personal and professional life?
  • Come up with a realistic plan on how you are going to work to achieve your goal – It’s okay to dream big, but keep the goal achievable.. then build on from there.
  • Tell a couple people about your resolution – having a good positive support system who holds you accountable, cheers you on, and lifts you up along the way will help in achieving your goals!


Different Types Of New Year Goals


We want to constantly grow and work on personal growth and development. And we feel like identifying our character defects and working on improving on those will bring positive change to not only us, but everyone we come in contact with.


We love to workout but do not always make the time. Sometimes it is pure laziness, sometimes it is we have to much to do. When we make the time, we always feel better. So we are going to sign up for our classes in advance, so it will be harder for us to just bail!


Oh Darling Blog is a true passion of ours. As we stated before we want to really make this our career. We want to continue to grow our brand and connect with more and more people!


We try and read a daily reader each morning. And we find if we start our day taking a few moments to just read a little word from God and reflect on those readings our day just seems to go a little smoother.


Long Term Goals

We started Oh Darling Blog at the end of February 2017. My how we have grown since we published our first blog post!! Looking back at them kind of makes us embarrassed (definitely makes us laugh a lot), but it also shows us how much we have improved. Our goals for 2018 is:

Continued growth in engaged readers:

We started Oh Darling Blog because we love fashion. It’s so fun to share our love for comfy and casual looks. We truly don’t know of many mother + daughter duo’s out there who share a love for shopping, fashion, and blogs. So long term, we want to grow our community of engaged followers who want to follow along with our everyday life while getting fashion inspiration!

Develop a media kit:

Although we blog because we love it, we also want to make this our full time career. As you have heard blogging is hard work. It’s definitely not just taking a picture and posting it up on social media! We work everyday creating content for the blog. Our dream is to work with brands we love and to do so we will need to develop a media kit to share with companies, showing why we would be a good fit to represent them.

Staying Positive:

We are guilty of not being very positive towards ourselves / personal situations. So we want to work on changing the way we really look at things and seeing the positive even in a negative situation! Here’s some ways we are working on that:

  • Each night we try to list 5 things we’re grateful for, including things that may not have gone our way that day. Be sure to not mention the same thing every night!
  • Keeping a gratitude journal whether that’s through a physical journal or one on your phone. I (Lydia) find writing in a journal really helpful / freeing. When I write, I feel like I can truly speak the truth and find out how I am really feeling.
Travel More:

Traveling is something we want to do more of! We are total homebodies, but love going on an adventure every once in a while! Let’s talk some traveling goals in 2018:

  • Going to Chicago for the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale
  • Visiting New York
  • Going back to California
  • Taking a trip to visit one of our Instagram friends


Short Term Goals

Coming up with creative content:

We’ve been having a hard time coming up with content lately! Who knew it could be so difficult. Our goal is to come up with creative content that’s different than other bloggers. We most definetly get ideas for blog posts from other bloggers, that’s whats so great about this community. But that being said, we want to be able to make our own twist on those ideas and make them personal to us.


Katie’s New Year Goals

I think most mom’s can relate to running on that hamster wheel of life. Chasing after that perfect Pinterest life. All the while putting everyone first and taking care of your needs gets put on the back burner. Even though all of my kids are grown, I still want to take care of everyone. I still want perfection in all areas of my life!

Long Term Goals:

  • Grace Not Perfection by Emily Ley is a book that Lydia bought me for Christmas. I have just begun reading it, but I am already in love with it! I truly want to give myself permission to not strive to be perfect and to give myself a little grace.
  • Not sweating the small things. I find myself letting the littlest things drive me crazy. So this year I want to truly just learn to let it go. I know by just letting go I will feel more relaxed and I will enjoy life a whole lot more.

Short Term Goals:

  • Get back to working out regularly. Yes, I am a fitness instructor; I teach at The Bar Method, but I truly don’t make time to workout. My goal is to get back to working out 3 times a week.
  • Drink more water. We all know the benefits of drinking more water but jeez, sometimes it’s so hard to drink all that water… especially during the winter when it’s SO cold outside!


Lydia’s New Year Goals

Long Term Goals:

  • Not being so hard on myself. I have been reading the book 100 days to brave each morning. And I read a page each day & I just keep learning more. It’s really opened up my mind and allowed me to start understanding that I am braver than I know. A few things that have really stuck out to me:
    • “While I am making mistakes, I am not a mistake.”
    • “Believing truth is always a choice. We can criticize ourselves in every single thing we do and say, but we also have the choice to fight for the truth or give into the lies.”
    • “There is so much power when you begin to understand that you are who God says you are, not who other people say you are or who believe you are.”
  • Not letting the little things bother me. I tend to let the littlest things get to me and bring me down! Also, I want to work towards just living in the moment, to allow & accept that things aren’t going to go my way every single second. To just have fun, be happy, and smile!
  • Following my dreams. I want to stop dreaming and start doing!! I’m not in school right now and I am doing something I am very passionate about, blogging. And I am pretty good at not letting others opinions stop me from following my dreams, but I am not so great on going through with my dreams. So that’s about to change this year!

Short Term Goals:

  • Drink more water. I am SOO bad about drinking water! But, I just got a new water bottle for Christmas and my goal is to start drinking 3 liters of water a day.
  • Do something for myself. I want to try and do something for myself each month that’s needed. To just check in and see what my body, my mind, or my heart needs to make myself a better and happier person!


Tips For Succesfully Achieving Your New Year Goal

  • If you’re trying to break an old habit, give yourself time. Nobody can change overnight.. it’s something that may take a while and may take a lot of courage. And we want you to know that it is okay!
  • Goal tracking apps. This app Productive is a really great one that allows you to choose habits whether that’s spending time with your family, working out, or you can even make your own.. you can then just add it into the calendar so time is made!
  • Setting to do lists for each day, week, month, etc.
  • Weigh ins and check ins

We would love to hear some of your new year goals for 2018! What’s something you want to improve on or start doing this year?









  1. Kathy Birmes
    January 1, 2018 / 1:53 pm

    Great blog today. I am confident you will achieve your goals. I’ve seen you do it before.

    • ohdarlingblog@yahoo.com
      January 4, 2018 / 8:43 am

      Your words of encouragement always mean the world to us!

  2. January 1, 2018 / 4:13 pm

    Love this post! So many great goals for 2018. If you end up coming to California and you’re in the Orange County area you have to let me know so we can meet up!!!

    Keep up the great work ladies!

    XX Jordyn

    • ohdarlingblog@yahoo.com
      January 4, 2018 / 8:44 am

      Thanks so much Jordyn for taking the time out your busy day to read our blog post! It truly means a lot to us! We love CA and we will definitely look you up the next time we visit! XO

  3. January 3, 2018 / 2:57 pm

    These are some seriously great tips! It can be hard to reflect to set new goals for yourself! Thanks for the sweet advice, ladies!

    • ohdarlingblog@yahoo.com
      January 4, 2018 / 8:48 am

      We appreciate you reading our post Hillary! Let’s try and meet up soon! XO – Katie & Lydia