Shop Good San Diego

When we traveled to San Diego in August we popped into Shop Good and little did we know it was going to become one of our favorite places for clean beauty and healthy living. SO of course, we are here to introduce you to Shop Good, all they have to offer, + an interview with them with such great information. (any word in pink is a clickable link)

Clean Beauty Products | oh darling blog

Shop Good San Diego

Shop Good brings you a carefully curated assortment of the best of the best in clean cosmetics, natural skincare, and lifestyle products. They like to think of their retail and online stores as a one-stop-shop for ALL your needs – they have everything from natural deodorant, to shampoo + conditioner, organic tampons, amazing supplements like coffee and adaptogens, and of course, their skincare and makeup! Also, they offer completely customized plant-based facials and waxing services for whatever your skin goals may be. They recently launched two new offerings as well – full natural makeup application and natural beauty consultations!

You can read Leah Kirpalani’s personal story here!

Shop Good San Diego CA | oh darling blog

Shop Good North Park CA | oh darling blog

Thanks SO much to Juana, lead buyer for Shop Good, for answering all of our questions!! We got all the answers from skincare tips and tricks (acne & maturing skin) to clean beauty makeup products to a healthy lifestyle to wellness. Let’s just get right into it because we are beyond excited.

Interview With Shop Good

Q: With SO much information out there when it comes to healthy living about what we should be doing/using, what sets Shop Good apart from others?

We’ve done all the work for you. Aside from rigorously testing any new product we think would be a good fit on our shelves, we go through each and every ingredient – inputting into EWG’s Skin Deep database to make sure they are going to be healing for your body and not harmful in any way. We make sure we are aligned with brand missions, sourcing of ingredients, and effectiveness of the product!

Q: Go ahead and talk about skincare, one of our favorites! Tips, tricks, anything that may be important for our readers!

Where to begin!! First and foremost we are firm believers in using products for your skin type and skin goals, which our holistic esthetician and product experts can help with. The use of organic + wildcrafted plants and herbs is something we always look for in our skincare as well. They can be extremely active, provide vital nutrients for skin healing and regeneration, and contain anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties.

Lastly – your lifestyle and eating habits really play a role in the health of your skin. Staying hydrated with purified water, herbal teas, and fresh pressed juices is always a must for a complexion boost – along with eating tons of leafy greens and healthy fats (think wild caught salmon, avocado, flax seeds, walnuts…)

NOTO deep serum | oh darling blog

Q: We have a lot of readers who struggle with acne. What would be your biggest overall tip for them?
  • Don’t try to dry out your skin. We’re often taught that when you get a breakout you have to use all of these harsh, drying ingredients when in reality this can lead to increased oil production, more inflammation, and even more acne. It’s like a vicious cycle! Make sure you are properly hydrating your skin and incorporate products that have anti-inflammatory properties.
    • Our favorites for acneic skin:
      • Botnia’s Daily Face Wash – this has willow tree bark extract which is a natural form of salicylic acid. This – along with arnica, goldenseal, and hyaluronic acid – will help target any congestion or inflammation!
      • Botnia’s Toner – to help balance oil production, wipe away any harmful bacteria, reset pH balance, and add a nice dose of hydration.
      • Botnia’s Kale Yeah mask – SO good to target any inflammation on the skin! Instead of choosing a drying and stripping clay-based mask, using this gentle and nourishing mask as a skin treatment will soothe your complexion. This is also really great for anybody struggling with cystic acne! Mix with goat’s milk yogurt for a more effective treatment, since the lactic acid is going to provide a gentle but effective exfoliation, will brighten the skin, add a dose of probiotics (good bacteria!) and partially digest the kale. You’ll be getting a boost in vitamin A, B6, k… Basically a green juice for your skin!
      • Berlin Skin’s Sandalwood Face Cream – Sandalwood, turmeric, thyme and aloe vera (to name a few of this moisturizers superstar ingredients) will provide a major anti-inflammatory effect and properly hydrate.
Q: We know that it takes more than just the right skin care products to help with clearing up your skin. What are some of your suggestions on what we should be avoiding/implementing in our everyday life?
  • When it comes to diet – eliminating dairy, sugar, and gluten can have major improvements for skin, especially for those dealing with acne. Incorporating a probiotic is wonderful as well. Your gut health and skin health are very closely correlated, so an imbalance in one will ultimately affect the other.
  • Other supplements to consider – chlorella tablets and aloe vera juice! Ask our product experts or holistic esthetician for more info on these 🙂
  • Finding ways to manage stress in your life can also be really helpful as well – whether that’s being active outdoors, meditating, practicing breathwork, treating yourself to a monthly facial or massage — anything!
Q: I (Lydia) struggle with hormonal acne. What products would you suggest (for the skin) to help with this? And what are some general tips you have for people with hormonal acne?
  • I would really recommend working with a functional medicine doctor to find a healthy balance with your hormones. Imbalances in the body will continue to show up on your skin, no matter how much money you’re spending on products!
  • Some tips for people struggling with hormonal acne: incorporate a variety of plant-based foods high in antioxidants to reduce inflammation. If eating animal products, always choose organic and pasture-raised options. Conventional meats and eggs are pumped with hormones and can actually make your imbalance worse!
Q: Lastly, inflammation! That’s another big thing that I (Lydia) struggle with. What skincare & wellness products can really help with that?
  • Internally: Fill your plate with omega-3 rich sources, turmeric, antioxidants in the form of matcha, organic fruits and veggies like pomegranates, blueberries, leafy greens, and fresh herbs.
    • Eliminate dairy, gluten, soy, and sugar!
  • Externally: Look for products with ingredients like turmeric, hyaluronic acid, rosemary, chamomile, lavender, blue tansy, calendula, and aloe to target skin inflammation.

OSEA blemish cream | oh darling blog

Q: For people who are in their 20’s and 30’s, what products should they be using for their maturing skin?
  • Hyaluronic acid is a MUST when it comes to keeping your skin elastic and supple! It’s the most bioavailable source of hydration for your skin and swells to 1000 times its weight in water (really!!).  This will also help delay the onset of fine lines and wrinkles since when your skin is dry it tends to show signs of aging quicker!
  • Eye cream is also essential – it’s not too early to start in your early 20’s! The undereye area is one of the first to show signs of aging so treating this area early on will help keep your complexion youthful and awake!
  • Vitamin C is great for maturing skin since it provides a hefty dose of antioxidants and helps your skin cells regenerate!
Q: At what age do you think we should start implementing anti-aging products into our skincare routine?
  • Mid 20’s is ideal! Once you hit 30, your collagen production decreases by 1% each year. By nourishing and caring for your skin properly, you can definitely delay premature aging (although you can’t completely eliminate) and keep your complexion youthful for years to come.
Q: And then, of course, favorite products for already matured skin? And any tips you may have.
  • H is for Love Bara Balm is a great luxurious night time treatment for all skin types, but especially mature. It’s loaded with antioxidants like sea buckthorn oil, pomegranate seed oil, calendula, chamomile, and lavender. These will help with skin regeneration and protect against environmental factors. It also smells AMAZING!
  • Botnia’s Gentle Hydration Mask is great for mature skin- it’s literally like a drink of water for your face! This is perfect for traveling or running errands too since it is a clear gel… so nobody will be able to tell! 😉
  • Using a gua sha board or facial roller with your favorite facial oil for an at-home massage is also wonderful. Aside from actually providing a lifting effect on the skin, they will help move any stagnation, boost collagen production, stimulate the lymphatic system, and help products penetrate deeper into the skin.

clean makeup products | oh darling blog

Well People mascara | oh darling blog

Q: We think a lot of people forget/neglect clean beauty products when it comes to their makeup. What does Shop Good have to offer in that department?

Truth! So many people are focused on eating healthy + working out but neglect the fact that the makeup or skincare products they are using are laden with toxins and chemicals that are ultimately affecting their health. We have all your makeup needs – whether its makeup, concealers, pressed and loose powder foundations, bb creams, blushes, bronzers, lipsticks, lip crayons, setting powders — basically EVERYTHING! Some of our best selling brands include RMS, alima pure, w3ll people, Lily Lolo, and TMF. We also have some newness hitting our shelves soon… stay tuned!

Q: What do you suggest people look for when choosing makeup products that are clean? And why should we all be switching over to clean beauty makeup products?
  • What helped me the most when researching makeup products was using the Think Dirty App I downloaded on my phone. You can search through thousands of items to get their clean rating and even gives you detailed information about specific ingredients.  
  • Don’t get fooled by marketing terms like “green,” “natural”,  “organic”, or “non-toxic.” These terms aren’t regulated and really don’t mean anything! It’s the ingredients themselves that really matter – so always turn the product over.
  • Ingredients you want to avoid: parabens, synthetic fragrance, formaldehyde, sulfates, and phthalates.
  • A few easy clean beauty swaps:

Q: Why should we all choose to live a healthy lifestyle? Furthermore, why should we be tossing out all those toxic products and really focus on what we’re putting on/into our bodies?
  • Everyone’s health journey is unique – and the word “healthy” means different things to different people, and that’s OKAY. We don’t agree with a one-size-fits-all approach to wellness. One person’s medicine can be another person’s poison. We think it’s about being in tune with your body and prioritizing yourself. Doing things that make YOU feel good, which in turn, will make you LOOK good.
  • Toxic products can have serious effects on the status of your health – whether it’s throwing your hormones out of whack, interfering with the quality of your sleep, affecting your mood and energy levels, and so much more. Your skin is your largest organ and absorbs up to 70% of what you apply topically. Why burden your body with chemicals when you can use products that SUPPORT it and are just as effective (if not more?!)
Q: What’s one of the biggest mistakes you see a lot when it comes to people’s skincare routines?
  • Over-exfoliating and drying out their skin, which in turn will throw off pH balance, increase inflammation, and lead to other skin issues.
Q: If someone was just starting to switch over to clean beauty products and live a more healthy lifestyle, what would be your biggest advice for them?
  • TAKE YOUR TIME! Don’t try to do everything at once because this can be really overwhelming (and expensive)! The best way to transition to clean products and live a healthy lifestyle is to do it step-by-step. As you run out of products, replace them with cleaner options. And experiment! Just because your best friend is vegan doesn’t mean you’ll do well without eating any animal products. Again, listen to your body and be kind to it 🙂
Q: What goes into living a healthy lifestyle?
  • Using healing products on your skin, nourishing your body with organic whole foods, moving your body as often as you can, staying hydrated, and having a great support system around you!

Shop Good facial room | oh darling blog

Q: We have started to really get into wellness products. Talk a little bit about what we can find in Wellness from Shop Good?
  • You’ll find probiotic and prebiotic rich products for healthy skin and digestion, adaptogens to help cope with stress, increase energy levels or relax the mind, CBD to ease anxiety and inflammation, collagen to boost skin + muscle health, matcha for an antioxidant-rich morning latte, and SO many more goodies!
Q: Why are wellness products important to add into everyday life and what are some of your favorites?
  • Wellness products are important to add into your everyday life to give your body some extra LOVING. They can help support your body with detoxification, improve your energy levels, improve your gut health, add a nice glow to your skin, correct imbalances and so much more!
  • My favorites are Vital Proteins Collagen which I use in my matcha every morning, Moon Juice Beauty Dust to support skin health and help manage stress, and Ora Organics Trust Your Gut Probiotics.
Q: What’s one product that the whole Shop Good staff can’t live without?
Q: The one product you think everyone should be using?

Connect With Shop Good San Diego

Visit their clean beauty and wellness boutique in San Diego, CA: 3030 North Park Way, San Diego, CA 92104

Shop the good life:

Follow @shopgoodco on Instagram



  1. October 1, 2018 / 8:02 am

    Such great products here. What a great shop!

      October 1, 2018 / 9:36 am

      Aren’t there so many great products? We love Shop Good and all they have to offer. Thanks so much for checking out the blog post, means so much to us friend. xo!

      October 1, 2018 / 9:38 am

      Thanks SO much for reading! We love us some good skin care products, that’s for sure. Hopefully you found some from this post that you will end up loving 🙂 xoxo!