How To Stay Healthy During The Holidays

Healthy Holiday Tips

December is the most magical time of the year and it can also be the most stressful time of year!! Overextending yourself and the added stress of the holiday season can lead to wearing yourself down and getting sick. On top of running with your head cut off: the weather starts to get cooler, you have tons of events, and then all of a sudden you’re sleeping less and truly not taking enough time to take care of yourself. Today on the blog we want to share tips on how you can take care of yourself and enjoy this time of year.

 Get Enough Quality Sleep

We hear it over and over again, sleep is important and to be honest most people do not get enough sleep. While sleep requirements vary from person to person, most people need from 7-9 hours of sleep a night. People that are sleep deprived are less productive at work and school & take longer to complete tasks. During the holidays we seem to push ourselves even more and sleep less! BUT wearing yourself down can lead to weakening your immune system and that usually leads to getting sick. Try to keep a regular schedule for bedtime, which in turn will lead to a more productive day! 

Tips For A Great Night Sleep-

  • Unplug from your devices an hour before you go to sleep. Research has shown that the light from our phones, computers, and tablets can keep the brain stimulated making it harder for you to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.
  • Use essential oils in a diffuser by your bed. We love mixing lavender and frankincense together (frankincense acts as a booster to lavender)! We started using Young Living Essential Oils awhile ago and we swear by them. A big game changer is rubbing lavender on your big toe and bottom of your feet each night!! We don’t know what it is, but it really does help. 
  • Make your bedroom a sanctuary with nice quality sheets, blankets, and pillows. Check out THIS post we did talking about how we get our bedroom cozy.
  • Keep your bedroom dark and cool. We personally sleep better when the room is really dark and cool enough for a comfortable night of sleep!


 Slow Down

You don’t have to do it all and make everything perfect! It’s hard not comparing ourselves to others especially in this social media world where people post pictures of that perfect moment. We all know that it is JUST a snapshot. Nobody lives that perfect life and no one has it all together all the time! SO just slow down and enjoy the moments right here right now 🙂 Create memories with loved ones by spending quality time. Those slowed down moments will allow you to truly enjoy this time of year and make some of the best memories you’ll cherish forever.

 Say No (you can’t do it all)

This idea goes hand in hand with slowing down. You do not have to go to every party you have been invited to and you do not need to recreate every Pinterest idea you have on your holiday board!! You DO NOT need to do it all. It just isn’t possible and trying do it all will drive you crazy. So, only do what you can do and enjoy not being “perfect”. We promise this holiday season will be more enjoyable if you simplify your calendar, your to do list, and just be present in the here and now!


Stay Hydrated

Drink lots of water! We should consume 8 (8 oz) glasses of water a day. Staying hydrated burns more calories, gives you more energy, and keeps you more alert. Besides all those benefits it can also help in aiding in not being hungover, which is a total win especially during the holidays when everyone is out celebrating. We keep a water bottle with us at all times, constantly sipping on it no matter what we are doing.  

Eat More Antioxidants 

The best way to stay healthy is to eat foods rich in vitamins. That being said it is hard to eat healthy in our busy on the go life! So how can you eat well during the holiday season? Let us know some of your favorite quick / easy healthy snacks and foods you love. 

Top 10 antioxidant rich foods-

  • Grapes, blueberries, red berries, nuts, dark green veggies, sweet potatoes / orange veggies, green tea, whole grains, beans, and fish.

Eating on the go-

  • Even if you feel like you have no time to eat, most fast food places have healthy options. We are crazy about Chick-Fil-A, in fact they have a Garden Market Salad that is filled with grilled chicken and berries. It is so yummy and fills you up.
  • Pack some snack size goodies for on the go! Grapes, blueberries, and blackberries are a full of antioxidants and fiber rich which will help you feel full longer. 

Coffee even has antioxidants 

  • Now this a win-win for all you coffee lovers out there! In fact, coffee has so many health benefits (HERE is great article all about it). Beware of overindulging on those oh so yummy holiday coffee drinks out there!!

Drink Tea

  • If you’re not a coffee drinker, incorporate high antioxidant tea. The teas with the highest antioxidants in them are black, green, white, and oolong. 


Holiday Inspired Healthy Snacks

We probably sound like a broken record, but good nutrition will keep you healthy and energized during the holidays. And if you know anything about us we are all about our desserts. We just love a little something sweet after our meals.

(click on the picture to see how we made them)

Go To Snacks-

  • Chocolate covered dates stuffed with peanut butter and sprinkled with sea salt: We had never had a date before, but they are rich & creamy and actually remind of us of caramel. Dates are rich in antioxidants and fiber. Increasing your fiber intake can lead to weight loss, but the down side of a date is they are high in sugars and calories, so treat yourself to one as a healthy alternative! We put together a little video of how to make them HERE.
  • Pumpkin spice power bars: For all you spiced pumpkin latte lovers out there this one is for you! HERE is a quick and easy recipe to try for that on the go snack that will give you energy while tasting yummy. 


Winter Workout Wear

Now this wouldn’t be a true Oh Darling Blog post without a little bit of fashion sprinkled into it, would it? We truly believe that self care is very important, so that means taking time to workout! Whatever your workout of choice is (running, hiking, walking, or a workout class), working out in some cute workout clothes is a must! You not only look good, but you feel good. 





  1. December 16, 2017 / 2:43 pm

    This post actually gave me a little bit of life haha. I think everyone needs a little reminder during the holiday season to slow down and take care of themselves. Loved this post. Also looooove essential oils, so I am right there with ya! Fabulous post ladies and thanks for the reminders!

      December 19, 2017 / 10:55 am

      Aww, thanks so much taking the time out of your busy day and reading our blog! that really does mean a lot to us! Have a happy holidays girls! XO -Katie & Lydia