Successful Morning Routine

Starting the day with a successful morning routine is something that is very important to us because for us it sets up the day. And what’s a better way to start off this week than sharing our successful morning routine on a perfect day + some info on what well known successful people do in the morning? The answer is nothing, duh! 😉

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The Morning Routine of Successful People

We don’t know about YOU but don’t you ever wonder how successful people start their morning? We want to know all the details, all the secrets, to starting off our morning just right. And hey, maybe knowing what they do will make us instantly as successful as them, right? Haha, just kidding! But it really is interesting to know about others routines and even implementing some of what they do into ours.

1. Lauryn Evarts of The Skinny Confidential:

It’s always interesting being able to hear about an influencers routine, especially when they’re super successful like Lauryn. On TSC Him & Her podcast, she talked all about her ‘perfect day’ of self-care in her life. We couldn’t agree more with what Lauryn said, “It’s important to take a step back and focus on yourself a bit.”

I for real wrote down several tips from her morning routine to make my morning just a little bit better! To know just what self-care essentials I added to my routine, check out TSC him & her show: self-care 101 with Lauryn Evarts.

2. Steve Jobs:

Steve Jobs had a really simple, yet powering morning routine. Each day he would get up, make his bed, shower, look in the mirror and ask himself, “If today was the last day of my life, would I be happy with what I’m about to do today?”

And if the answer was “no” too many times in a row, he knew something needed to be changed.

3. Oprah Winfrey:

Oprah Winfrey starts her morning off by opening up her shades and enjoying her beautiful property in California. First thing in the morning, she brushes her teeth and walks her 5 dogs around her property. While making her coffee she reads 5 cards from her 365 Gathered Truth box, for Oprah, it’s a beautiful way to start the day. After her morning coffee, she meditates and then works out for an hour before really starting her day.

For Oprah, “a perfect day is not just one thing; it’s a series of small things.” We can’t get over what her response to other’s saying that if they were Oprah they would have the PERFECT day too. No matter where you are in life, what you’ve done, or where you are… you deserve to have the perfect day filled with meaning.

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The Benefits of Setting and Sticking to a Morning Routine

  • Repeating your routine bright and early each morning can help with sticking to whatever you may want to achieve: drinking water right when you wake up, going to workout, stretching, taking 5 minutes for yourself…
    • The combination of higher morning cortisol levels and successful morning habits can help with learning faster and making something a routine each day.
  • You will start being able to get up and get moving:
    • Get up earlier than you have to, this allows time for yourself to just focus on you.
  • Making time for yourself and being able to listen to your body can really help process everything you have to do and get you ready for the day you may have ahead.
  • You are able to look forward to each day and start it off just how you like.
  • It’s easier to motivate yourself when you do something for yourself before the day ahead or before anyone else wakes up.
  • Check out the best morning advice for your horoscope to figure out how you should be starting off your morning.

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Our successful Morning Routine

Just because this is our successful morning routine for the perfect day doesn’t mean it’s going to be a good fit for you and that’s totally okay! Our routines are what works best for us to make for a productive day, feel the best, bring mental clarity, and just really be grateful for what the day has in store for us.

Reading a daily devotional:

Each morning I try my best to start with quiet devotional time. Sitting down with a cup of coffee, reading, with time to reflect, and pray starts my day off on the right foot… I truly feel a difference. Taking that time for myself helps me feel more centered vs just jumping right into my day and tackling that never-ending to-do list.

To see the exact books I read in the morning check out our how to find happiness in the little things blog post.

Eating a filling breakfast:

Breakfast is our favorite meal of the day that gives us fuel for what the morning has in store. We eat a healthy, filling, and super simple breakfast… check out our @ohdarlingblog_ Pinterest board for ideas.

Drinking coffee:

Sitting down and enjoying coffee, tea, or whatever your drink of choice is something that is part of our morning routine. We love just savoring the taste and enjoying each sip. And speaking of a sip, there is nothing better, than that first sip! It just tastes so darn good.

Taking time for ourselves and having quiet time:

Take time to have quiet time. I know how hard that can be, especially for moms of little ones. Believe me, I understand, I have been there. But as we all know, if momma is not happy, nobody is happy. So, take care of yourself, find that quiet time… we all need time to recharge and refuel.

Don’t feel guilty for insisting everyone has to take some quiet time. Maybe take 15-30 minutes where you all go to your room. Each person can read, quietly play, and for you (momma) close your eyes, read, or do whatever gives you those few moments to recharge.

Taking things slowly:

We don’t know about you but we hate rushing. Yes, there are always days where we need to rush out the door. But most days we try to give ourselves enough time to complete our morning routine. SO give it a try and see how adding some extra time to your morning helps to center your day.

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How To Create Your Morning Routine For Success

Every single one of you can build a successful morning routine that works just for YOU. It doesn’t have to be some exquisite thing each morning, it can be as simple as taking a deep breath before you get out of bed. A morning ritual sets the tone for the rest of the day. We are all different and need to find what works for ourselves and find ways to stay accountable:

  • Get moving in the morning. You don’t need to go work out for 45 minutes each day, but do something to get your blood flowing, reduce stress and boost your mood.
  • Really think about what makes you happy and start implementing that each morning into your routine:
    • starting the day all about you truly makes for a better rest of the day… for everyone!
  • Don’t hit snooze! Hitting snooze messes with your circadian rhythm which can cause you to be groggy.
    • If you’re in a habit of hitting snooze, instead of pressing the button take a few big deep breaths, get out of bed, and splash some water on your face.
  • To be successful at something, shouldn’t you be loving whatever it is to get you to where you want to be?
    • If you’re not an early morning person, figure out how you can change that. Start doing something that brings you joy to make your morning a success.
  • Give yourself a pep talk:
    • The power of positive thinking is everything, especially when creating success.
  • Don’t forget to stay hydrated:
    • Drink a glass of water with some lemon and then fuel yourself with coffee, tea, soda, or whatever you like.
  • Most importantly, the key is to start slow and take your time!
    • You don’t need to be waking up hours earlier than you would, it can be 15 minutes or 30 minutes earlier than you normally do.
    • Figure out what it is your mind, body, mind, and soul needs every morning and do that for yourself! Self-care is SO important in creating success not only in your morning routine but in everyday life.


Following a morning routine and creating morning habits will allow for more successful mornings. It may take time if you’re not used to waking up early and hey, that’s totally okay! Set goals for the day or even the night before to motivate yourself. Not every day is going to be perfect or successful, but we promise that implementing little steps can make all the difference.















  1. Kathy Birmes
    July 2, 2018 / 8:55 am

    Great advice for starting a perfect day.