What You Can Expect From Us In 2019

We are BACK and aren’t going anywhere, anytime soon. We took a much-needed break from the blog over the Holidays and it definitely felt good. But, we are pumped to be back because it’s felt way too long.

This year we are really wanting to focus on our blog growth, creating quality over quantity, and putting out content that is valuable to YOU. To kick things off we wanted to share what you can expect from us in 2019.

oh darling blog | fashion bloggers | styling a jumper dress | styling grid pants | what to wear with silver boots

It’s been almost two years since we started our blog and we are still finding out exactly what blog posts we like to put out. It’s a process to figure out what easily comes to you when writing and what you’re interested in sharing with others. Our brand is built on fashion, but we still share bits of life, healthy living, and travel because we love those things too. Here’s what we’ll be continuing to share:

Styling Tips

Most of our fashion posts incorporate styling tips within them. We have covered what feels like a lot of tips literally from head to toe. You can see all of our styling tips blog posts HERE.


Trends are some of our favorite topics to cover. We covered a lot of Fall Trends in 2018 that have been carried on to the new year.

Hustle Hard Girl

This year we are wanting to start adding some more topics into our regular content that we already put out. Along with that, we are wanting to dive more into the creative side of things.


We created a video over the Holidays that we shared on Instagram, it was so fun to film because it shows more of a peek into our personalities. Whether it’s a try on clothing haul, our skincare routine, what we eat in a day, a how to style, etc. we want to start incorporating more video.


We are in no way experts, but skincare has always been something we are invested in. Check out all of our skin care blog posts HERE.


If you didn’t know, we sort of love food… like a lot. We always find ourselves trying new healthy recipes and baking because we both have a major sweet tooth. From our favorite quick healthy meals to our grocery list, we want to share more of that. Check out our food blog posts HERE.

More personal blog posts

On Instagram, we are always posting on stories sharing a peek into our everyday life. From what we did that day to any new items we received in the mail to random updates. We want to start incorporating more of a personal touch onto the blog for you all to read.

Behind the scenes of blogging

A lot goes on behind the scenes that many don’t see. Photoshoots, planning photos, writing blog posts, brainstorming ideas, etc. We want to share that with you and along with that anything we’ve learned + found to help make the process a little bit easier.

Quality Over Quantity

With a new year comes new experiences and new goals. When it comes to our blog, we grew a lot last year and found more out about what is the most important to us.

Quality over Quantity

We have been pretty good at putting out content that’s quality over quantity. If we don’t feel proud of what we’re putting out or if a blog post isn’t ending up how we wanted it too, we won’t publish it. It’s SO important to us to share content with you that we can 100% stand behind.

Having fun with our photos

We quickly found that just standing there and not smiling is not for us. It’s way more enjoyable for us to be creative with our photos through poses, props, laughing, whatever it may be.

Producing content we are proud of

This goes along with quality over quantity. If we come up with a blog post topic, start writing it, and then realize it’s just not working out how we wanted it too, we’ll scratch it. Just know that the content we put out and share with you all is content we’re proud of. The best part is there is always room to improve!

Not doing anything that feels forced

Similar to the two above, but this also fits in with any sponsored content we put out. We are very picky about companies we work with. The reasoning behind that is because we want to be able to represent that company the best that we can. Everything that we share with you, sponsored or not, are products/items that we truly like and would use/wear.

what you can expect from us in 2019

Making sure we are creating content that resonates with you all

This is SO important to us, creating content that you all want to see. Last year, our blog was filled with a lot of rewards, but there was also a lot of questioning that went on. We are beyond grateful that we are able to pursue this dream of ours, but just like anything, it’s hard sometimes. At the end of last year and the beginning of this year, we were shown in multiple ways that the content we’re putting out is valuable to others. And let us tell you, that is such a great feeling because that’s what we want.

What you all want to see:

  • How we manage/schedule shopping for looks, shooting photos, etc. The who/what/where behind the scenes
  • More videos
  • 2019 Trends
  • Day in the life as a blogger
  • Tips + tricks
  • Eating and working out tips
  • How we got to where we are today with our blog
  • Beauty
  • Styling tips specifically one piece styled multiple ways
  • More about our relationship as a mother/daughter duo
  • How we put our outfits together. Do we start with a certain piece or pick each other’s outfits out?


If you have any more suggestions of what you’d like to see on the blog in 2019, send them our WAY! Thank you, thank you from the bottoms of our hearts for all the support and love every single one of you have shown us throughout our blogging journey. YOU GUYS are the reason why we keep doing what we’re doing.



  1. Kaitlin
    January 9, 2019 / 8:43 am

    I am so excited to go through 2019 with your awesome posts at my side!! They always inspire me to wear something in my closet a new way and to have fun in all the things I do. You gals are the best!

  2. January 9, 2019 / 8:57 am

    Hi, I love your photos and your Insta account, and I’m glad it’s led me to your blog! Looking forward to your new content, I think it’s a great idea to share behind-the-scenes stuff… I’d be so excited to learn more about how you pick the outfits you feature, and how you take your photos! 🙂

  3. January 9, 2019 / 10:00 am

    I would LOVE to hear more about your relationship & family life! I have small girls & I want to know what it takes to have a healthy adult relationship. How did you two get to where you are now! Would love to hear!

  4. Jennifer Alba
    January 9, 2019 / 10:06 am

    My favorite duo, can’t wait to see all the incredible changes in 2019!

  5. January 9, 2019 / 2:56 pm

    I adore you both and can not wait to see all of the amazing content you create in 2019. You ladies are so stylish so I’m for sure looking forward to more of those posts, but I especially can not wait to see more personal and more behind the scenes content to get to know you guys better!
